10 Indie Books That Should Be Movies

Hello, friends! I’m back! If you’ve been here for at least 10 seconds, you know how much I love supporting and promoting indie books. The authors behind these books are some of the most creative people I know, and I love the idea of helping them succeed. I love storytelling in general, and many times that also includes movies. I love finding the movies that have original storylines, and have unique ways of telling those stories. So, that brings me to today’s post. Why not take two of my favorite story mediums, and mush them together? Here’s 10 indie books that should be movies. Enjoy!

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Shadowless by Randall McNally

Shadowless is an epic fantasy that spans thousands of miles and thousands of years. Millenia ago, the gods and goddesses went to war. All the goddesses were killed, so the gods no longer had any way to procreate with their own kind. Their solution was to mate with human women, and when the results of those unions, their children, grew up, the gods would come back and kill the offspring, therefore increasing their own power. Because the mothers always died, humans hated the gods for what they did, and anytime they found a child of the gods, they would kill them. These children have one identifying mark: They don’t have a shadow.

Why This Book Should be a Movie

Shadowless is an epic fantasy, so it could actually end up as several movies, but the mythology behind the story, and the visuals that the book evokes makes me think this movie should be on the big screen. Just the sheer size of the gods would be amazing. If I’ve intrigued you, please go read my review! Then come back and leave a comment with whether you agree with me.

Everlong by R. Raeta

books that should be movies everlong by r. raetaLily has no recollection of her life, but she knows one thing: the bench on which she sits every night is hers. She tells stories in old notebooks about the items in the park around her, and has resigned herself to a life of loneliness…until Sam sits down next to her.

Why This Book Should be a Movie

I think Everlong needs to be a movie, asap. It’s a simple story, with what would be a simple cast and a simple setting, but it’s such a beautiful, unique story, and it needs to be in the visual space. Lily and Sam’s story is so beautiful, and if turned into a movie, could encourage filmmakers to start choosing other indie books to option into film. It could be the start of something beautiful.

Want more information? Check out my Review.

White Trash Warlock by David R. Slayton

books that should be movies white trash warlock by david r slaytonAdam Binder is magical. He has The Sight, which allows him to see into other realms that exist parallel to ours. His brother thought he was crazy, and with their mother’s permission, sent Adam to live at Liberty House, an action for which Adam never forgave him. Now, years later, Robert needs his little brother’s abilities. His wife has been possessed by…something, and Robert has no clue how to help. Adam’s journey to find out what happened to his sister-in-law could also provide answers to what happened to his father, and why he abandoned his family when Adam was a baby.

Why This Book Should be a Movie

Adam’s ability to see into the other realms would be so cool visually. I imagine tons of colors, and even some monochrome. Getting to check out various creatures, and meet different species based on Adam’s experiences would be so much fun to see put into movie form.

Listen to my buddy book chat with Gabe Hargrave on The Picky Bookworm Podcast

Between Mountain & Sea by Louisa Locke

books that should be movies between mountain and sea by louisa lockeSynopsis – From Amazon

Mei Lin Yu should have been looking forward to the next stage in her life. As a descendant of one of the Founding Families who led the exodus from a dying Earth and now rule New Eden, Mei’s choices are endless. But she has never felt part of the Yu Family or the world of technological marvels and genetic perfection the Founders created.

All that will change the summer she spends at Mynyddamore, the home her ancestor Mabel Yu built in western Caelestis. Here, living among the Ddaerans, the original inhabitants of New Eden, Mei will discover secrets about Mabel Yu that her family want to keep buried and a truth about herself that will forever change her own destiny.

Why This Book Should be a Movie

I, personally, love movies set on other planets. Space-faring characters, learning new cultures and societies…all that stuff fascinates me. So, why not have a movie that encompasses all that stuff? I think that the setting and visuals of this book would be amazing on the big screen.

My Review about Between Mountain and Sea

Mountain of Souls by Marcus Lee

books that should be movies mountain of souls by marcus leeMalina is sold to The Mountain of Souls, and trained as a Chosen. Her training is brutal, but if she succeeds, she’ll be serving The Once and Future King. She couldn’t be more excited, until she learns a secret that could crumble their world to ashes. This first book in the Chosen Trilogy should be on everyone’s TBR.

Why This Book Should be a Movie

Oh my gosh, where do I start? I can’t say too much about why this trilogy should be a movie without giving too much away from the story. It’s very much dark epic fantasy, and it’s so much fun at the same time. It’s visceral, and it caused immediate connection with the characters. I’m talking within the first few pages. It would be such a good idea to add this trilogy to any filmmaker’s portfolio, and I hope someone eventually puts The Chosen Trilogy on the big screen. Want more info? Check out my review.

Connor’s Gambit by Z. Gottlieb

books that should be movies connor's gambit by z gottliebBrad is a normal human. Well, as normal as someone who is married to an alien can be, but whatever. Finding out that bit of information? Not the funnest thing Brad has ever been through, but when he’s asked to join his wife in space, working with their military, how could he say no?

Why This Book Should be a Movie

This book gives me Star Trek, Star Wars, and Orville vibes all at once. I think, while we love our space-faring movies, this one is original enough that it could be the perfect addition to any movie-lover’s collection. The characters are different enough, as well, that getting attached would be pretty easy. Basically, the same things that make this a good book, are what would make it a good movie. You might enjoy my review of Connor’s Gambit, so check it out here.

Extropia by Robin Bootle

books that should be movies extropia by robin bootleEdward’s father built a virtual reality game, Extropia. When the game is sabotaged, he and Edward’s brother are trapped in the game. For a year, Edward believed his father and brother were dead, but when he finds out differently, he’s determined to rescue them. He enters Extropia, knowing he might never get out.

Why This Book Should be a Movie

If you like Tron and Tron: Legacy, you seriously need to see Extropia as a movie. I would for sure watch this as a movie more than once. While I enjoyed Tron: Legacy, I didn’t feel it had the same feel to it that I think Extropia would. The NPCs in Extropia are more like people, rather than simple programs. It has a different vibe to it. It also has a more expansive setting, so it would be a little more visually stimulating.

Hidden Magic by Elana McDougall

books that should be movies hidden magic by elana mcdougallWhen Sasha finds Hallows, a hidden town in North Carolina, her life is turned upside down. She wasn’t expecting to stay long, but the townspeople grew on her, and she even found possible new love in the town’s sheriff.

Unfortunately, no one is supposed to know Hallows exists, and Sasha never should have been able to find it. Because she did, the safety of the town is in peril. When Sasha discovers new things about herself, and just how well she fits with a town like Hallows, can she save everyone she’s come to care about?

Why This Book Should be a Movie

Why not have Hidden Magic as a movie? Yeah, it’s set in one town, but lots of movies are. And, come on, a magical town like Hallows needs to be seen. The characters are so much fun, the setting would be a blast to create, and who doesn’t love a couple werewolves? No, I didn’t give anything away. Promise. If you’re interested, my friend Gabe and I recorded a book chat about Hidden Magic for my podcast. Find it here.

Infernal by Mark de Jager

books that should be movies infernal by mark de jagerInfernal is written in first person, from the point of view of Stratus. He wakes up, with no knowledge of who he is, except his name. He possesses unnatural strength, though, so quickly makes enemies. His journey to find out who he is, and help those who have protected him, is an amazing story that should be read over and over.

Why This Book Should be a Movie

This movie would be interesting to see solely through Stratus’ eyes. That’s similar to how the book is written, since it’s in first person. We have very little description of what Stratus looks like, but plenty of experience with the destruction he’s capable of leaving behind him. Going with him on his journey to find out who he is, really should be on the big screen. Read to the end of book one, then come back and try to tell me I’m wrong. I hope you have a good argument for it, because I would LOVE to see this book as a movie. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series, although I think there’s only two so far. Mark, you reading this? Please write more!

Falling Through The Weaving by Leia Talon

books that should be movies falling through the weaving by leia talonShelta has the unique ability to travel through time. The trouble is, she can’t control it. She’ll touch a random tree, and BAM, it’s years later. She learned over time not to get attached to anyone, until she ended up in medieval Scotland, and met Killian.

Why This Book Should be a Movie

I think I’d be better off trying to find a reason why Falling Through the Weaving SHOULDN’T be a movie. The story is immersive, the characters are beautiful, and the setting is absolutely amazing. Someone needs to make this a movie STAT. I tell everyone not to read the blurb before reading the book, and watching the movie might ruin that, but at the same time, I think it would be so fun to have book one as a 3 part movie series. Once you read the book, you’ll understand. I hope. Check out my review for details.

Honorable Mentions

Books that Should be TV Shows Instead of Movies

I chose these series to be on tv instead of movies, because while they have amazing settings, and all that, they also have more character development than most other books I’ve read. Because those characters require, in many ways, more build up than you’ll typically find in a movie, I think these would be better on television. I’ve included  what network or channel I think should pick it up, and a mini synopsis, but other than that, you’ll just have to read the books and let me know if you agree.

The Orchid & The Lion Series by Gabriel Hargrave

Dorian has been the top femme dom on the space station for years. He’s single, and he likes being in the limelight. So, when he’s asked to “train” a new arrival, he’s pissed. Can Laith win him over, or will Dorian stick with his “don’t get attached” rule?

Showtime should totally pick up this series and run with it. If you’ve ever seen Queer as Folk, you’ll know they would be perfect, and wouldn’t change too much about this gorgeous story.

The Shadow Demons Saga by Sarra Cannon

Harper has been in foster care for as long as she can remember, and after a deadly accident involving her adoptive parents, she’s sent to the last place she wants to be: Shadowford Home for Girls. She thinks she can finally make a home and friends, but when a girl in her high school is killed, Harper is thrust into a world she never knew existed.

CW would be the perfect network to pick this up. For fans of One Tree Hill or Pretty Little Liars, CW would be able to run with this series perfectly.

Aestus Series by S.Z. Attwell

Jossey lives in and works as a solar engineer for The City, an underground haven built several centuries before. One of the safest places in the world, it protects its inhabitants from the Onlar. The Onlar are a vicious race of beings who will attack without cause or provocation. When Jossey protects her crew from an Onlar, and kills it, she’s tapped to join Patrol. When she’s kidnapped by the Onlar, she learns secrets that could bring her city government to its knees.

I’m not sure what network would be good to pick up this book as a tv show. I’m pretty sure any of them would do a good job with it. The series doesn’t have bad language, so would be great for one of the networks. Maybe CBS?

The Goners Trilogy by Kenyon Gagne

Kaywin, Prue and Dublin have joined the MCP. They live in a time when life spans have doubled, so the only way people really die anymore is through suicide. The MCP, or Meaningful Conclusion Program, gives these people a way to go out in a meaningful way. They are given the most dangerous jobs in the world. Some become test subjects for new medications, some are sent to the Moon, to work on expanding the colonies there, and some are given jobs as pilots to test new aircraft.

I think HBO would be good to carry this show. The book doesn’t have much bad language, but just the nature of having suicidal characters would mean it shouldn’t be on a network channel. Maybe Amazon could pick it up for an Original? I’d be good with that too.

The Network Series by Katie Cross

Bianca is chosen to attend Miss Mabel’s School for Girls, but even her ulterior motives can’t protect her from everything. She’s tapped to become Miss Mabel’s assistant, to learn directly from her. While this is precisely what Bianca wanted, she doesn’t have a clue what Miss Mabel is really capable of.

I think Amazon or Netflix would be good to pick up this book as a tv show. It’s young adult, so might be good for CW, but some of the content might be a struggle for some viewers. Not because it’s gory or anything like that but could have the potential. I think a channel or service that could portray these potential land mines would be a better choice than something like CW or a network channel.


What do you think of my list of indie books that should be movies? Do you have any you want to add to the list? Leave me a comment below! Share with your friends so they can join the conversation!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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