11 Creepy Books To Read For Halloween

Halloween isn’t my favorite time of year, mostly because I don’t live for the creepy books. Tons of people do, though, so I thought I’d give you my recommendations for 11 creeply books to read for Halloween this year. If you’ve read any of them, please let me know, and if you have any recommendations, I’d love to find out! I’m always looking for ways to diversify my reading.



8 Souls by Rachel Rust

8 Souls by Rachel Rust is a ghost story. I don’t read many ghost stories, so when I started this one, I thought it would be too creepy. While I had to avoid reading it right before bed, I did enjoy the story, and the relationship between the two main characters.

Read my review of 8 Souls

Black Valley by Jim Brown

Jim Brown’s second book, Black Valley, was way creepier than his first. I read his debut, 24/7, long before I found this one. While it’s not an Indie book (most on this list are), it’s the perfect level of creepy for Halloween.

Related: Read my Review of 24/7


Comeback by Chris Limb

I received Comeback for a blog tour I did a while back, and thoroughly enjoyed it. This book is one of the reasons I love the indie community so much, because I was able to find the author on Twitter, and tell him how much I loved his book. Chris even answered! I know, right?

Our main character travels to Hades, and finds lost love while she’s there. Very enjoyable story, but definitely on the creepy side.

Read my Review of Comeback

Dark Blue by Elliott Motl

Elliott Motl’s understated ghost story is the perfect level of creepy. I didn’t find it scary, but the main character’s ability to see ghosts, as well as his torment from his past, create a creepy story that will stay with you long after you finish reading.

Read my Review of Dark Blue

Listen to my chat with the author, Elliott Motl

Infernal By Mark de Jager

Infernal was one of those books that, while told in first person, tells almost nothing about the story until it actually unfolds. Our main character, Stratus, has lost his memory. All he knows is that he’s stronger than everyone else, and people want to kill him. To say anything more would spoil the story. 

                             I’ll simply say: Enjoy Infernal.

11 creepy books

Kerwall Town by S.D. Reed

No creepy book list would be complete without Seb’s debut vampire story. I didn’t personally find this book scary (vampire stories are weirdly comforting to me), but others have, and it’s for sure creepy enough to belong on this list.

Read my Review of Kerwall Town

The Liar of Red Valley by Walter Goodwater

Now, The Liar of Red Valley? This book was so creepy! I had to read it during the day time only, and a couple of times had to put it down, even then. The Liar of Red Valley for sure fits on this list. Our main character takes over for her mom as the “Town Liar,” and learns what it really means to carry the truth with you, even while lying to yourself.

Read my Review of The Liar of Red Valley

Impact Winter on Audible

I don’t listen to many audiobooks, but Impact Winter is an audible original, so presents as an episodic podcast. It’s free on Audible, and is told in 8 parts (I think). Definitely creepy, but well told, and a really interesting take on vampire lore.

Listen for free on audible

Crowman By David Rae

Crowman is dark. For sure dark fantasy, with enough creepy elements to keep you reading long after dark. Espeically since Vatu stole the sun. He lets it out one day a year, leaving the world in darkness the other 364 days. Curl up with the entire trilogy. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Read my Review of Crowman

Thr3e by Ted Dekker

Psychology takes a dark turn in this book by Ted Dekker. Our main character starts receiving creepy phone calls telling him to confess. He has no idea what he’s supposed to confess, so turns to his best childhood friend, who may not be all she seems.

Read my Review of Thr3e


Under the Dome by Stephen King

Have you seen the television show? You totally should. The people of Chester’s Mill have been trapped under an invisible dome. You can’t see it or hear it, but you can feel it when you run into it. Cows have been sliced in two, and planes have crashed. Can the people of Chester’s Mill figure out how to survive, before they run out of everything? I’m watching the TV show for the second time, and used birthday money to buy the book. I can’t wait to curl up with it this fall!

Purchase the book on Amazon (affiliate link. Thank you!)

What did you think? Have you read any of these books? Which ones would you add to the list? Let me know in the comments below! You can also head over to the Book Recommendations section in my discussion forum, and leave some awesome recs there.

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Until Next Time, Friends!

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