Hello, my friends! Welcome back to The Picky Bookworm! I’m excited to bring you today’s post! It’s one I’ve thought about for a while, and finally got a chance to share with you. These 11 Reading Rules aren’t gospel, I promise, but I also promise that they make a lot of sense, and you’ll enjoy them. Adopt one, adopt them all, but the bottom line is, enjoy reading. If you aren’t enjoying it, it’s not able to do its job. I happen to think reading can heal your soul, but it has to be an enjoyable experience for that to happen. Enjoy these Reading Rules, and let me know in the comments which of them is your favorite!

Your Reading Habits are Legitimate

 Do you read one book a year? How about 500? No matter how many books you read, or how you choose to track your reading, is legitimate. Don’t let anyone, even YOU, judge your reading habits as invalid. I do, however, want to know if you have any fun ones. Can you only read with a cup of tea? Do you have a reading nook in your house? Hook me up with your reading habits! Leave a comment below.

Mood Reading is Totally a Thing

How many times have you started reading a book, then quit reading it because you just weren’t vibing with it? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve quit a book, gone back to it later, and enjoyed it. Just because you quit reading a book, doesn’t mean it was a bad book. It doesn’t even mean you won’t come back to it later. Just accept that you weren’t in the mood for that book and move on.

Life is too short to Read a Book you aren’t Enjoying

I was actually told this by a librarian friend of mine, and I can’t tell you how much book self-shaming this removed for me! At the time, I was reading a book I was just not enjoying, by an author I don’t usually enjoy, but didn’t want to feel like a failure for not finishing it. I had spent money on it, why couldn’t I enjoy it? When my friend told me what she did, it helped me so much, and I was able to quit that book, and move on to a book I would actually enjoy.

Planning what to read ahead of time is a fluke

If you don’t plan ahead, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you.

I came up with this reading rule in the midst of a twitter conversation a while ago, because I see people all the time show off pictures of their “March TBR” or their “Summer Break TBR,” and I wanted to know how those people knew what they would be in the mood for next month, or next week, or even in 30 minutes.

I found out that most people don’t plan their reading ahead of time. The people that do are unicorns. So, if you don’t plan ahead, and just read by the seat of your pants, you are valid, and there is nothing wrong with you.

You are still a Bookworm, even if you don’t share pictures of your books on Instagram

I see this on Instagram all the time. People are always showing pictures of their book stacks, and the pictures are gorgeous. Do I, someone who is NOT a photographer, share beautiful book stacks? I do not. I am still a bookworm, and I still love talking about the books I’m reading, but not being able to take gorgeous pictures doesn’t make my bookwormishness any less obvious.

Buying Books and Reading Books are two separate Hobbies

You know you’ve seen it. People sharing the books they bought at the book store 3 weeks ago, then another book stack from the book store yesterday. Do you think they’ve actually read all those books from 3 weeks ago? Possible, but unlikely. This is because going to a bookstore, or hunting down books on kindle is a completely different hobby from taking the time to read the books you just bought. Both hobbies are valid, and both hobbies are highly enjoyable.

Buying an entire series before reading Book One is allowed

Personally, I despise reading a book, knowing the book ends in a cliffhanger, finishing said book, then having to wait months or years for the next book. It breaks my heart and makes me want to cry. Looking at you, K.P. Roberson! So, if a series is coming out, you know you’ll like it for whatever reason, you are perfectly ok to wait for the whole series to publish, then buy the whole series. Then, you won’t have to live through the agony of waiting.

No, I didn’t do this with K.P.’s book series. I’m simply waiting with bated breath for book 2. I happen to know she’s writing it, so hopefully I won’t have to wait too long. I have, however, done this with multiple other series. I’ll wait for the box set, thank you very much.

Book Hangovers are a Real Thing

I recently had this happen to me. I was reading The Chosen Trilogy by my good friend Marcus Lee, because he had asked me to beta read book one. When I finished book one, I begged him for books 2 and 3 (actually didn’t take much begging. He was thrilled I loved book one so much), so he sent me unedited drafts so I could continue the story. When I finished book 3, I actually looked at my husband and said, “I don’t know what to do with my life now.”

THAT, my friends, is a book hangover. In case you think you’ve never had one. They are real, and I wish I could tell you how to recover. There isn’t a smoothie recipe to cure a book hangover.

It’s Ok to Judge a Book by the Cover

I’m sorry to say this, but it’s true. Indie authors are one of the few groups who seem to have figured this out, and work with it, not against it. The people who tell you not to judge a book by the cover probably have a sucky cover.

But, when it comes to books, readers totally judge the covers. I had an experience a while ago, where I loved the title of a book, loved the premise, but had trouble actually picking up the book to read because the cover was horrible. No, I’m not going to tell you the book. I’m sure you’ve seen your fair share of these.

Treat your books how you want, not how you think you “should”

Books are meant to be read and enjoyed. Not treated like porcelain.

I have an unpopular book habit. When I’m reading a hard copy book, which is rare I admit, I’m a spine breaker. Bring on the judgment! Totally fine. I like being able to hold a hard copy book with one hand, and that’s hard to do when the spine is in place.

How people choose to treat their books is valid, whether they’re a spine breaker or not.

Rules are meant to be Broken

Don’t like my reading rules? Make your own. I already told you these rules are not meant to be gospel. I’m sure most of you will agree with them, though. 

Feel free to break every single one of these rules. Just like every reader is different, every reading rule is different. If you want to add any rules to this list, please leave a comment below! I’d love to see your reading rules!


Ok, so you’ve seen my 11 reading rules to live by. Which one was your favorite? Let me know! I love talking about all sorts of things, and reading habits are interesting to me, because everyone is so different. If you have a friend who shames themself over a reading habit or two, be sure to share rules 1 and 11 with them. Want to share with your whole community? Share this post on social media!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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