12 Days of Christmas [Guest Post]

Taryn is one of those people who is almost always perpetually cheerful. Every time I see her in my Twitter Timeline, I get really excited. She’s super supportive of the writing community, as well, so when she offered to write a guest post for me, of course I jumped at the opportunity! So without further ado, check out The 12 Days of Christmas!


The Twelve Days of Christmas

I love the Christmas season so much. It may be cold, but there are pretty lights, beautiful music, and happy moments.

If I’m down, the holly jolly of this time of year brings my spirits up and gives me something to look forward two, especially since my family has multiple traditions we follow for the holiday season.

My favorite holiday tradition, however, is the 12 Days of Christmas. You may recognize the title because of the popular song by the same title.

My parents actually took inspiration from that song, from what they’ve told me, and we began doing it when my brother and I were young. I’m 22 years old now and I still very much enjoy doing it.

In fact, when I did my Christmas in July celebration, I made my own 12 Days of Christmas!

So, you may be wondering what the 12 Days of Christmas actually is. Essentially, the 12 Days is where my family does a fun activity together. We start on December 13th and end on December 24th (Christmas Eve!).

We have a list of activities we usually do, but they don’t happen in the same order every year. This is not only to keep the spark of the tradition alive, but also because we’re now adults with busy schedules and we don’t want to schedule something too intense on a day we don’t have as much time.

The one thing that does stay consistent, however, is that on the 12th day – no matter what day of the week that falls – we open our stockings. I know a lot of people wait until Christmas day, but we’ve always done it on Christmas Eve to give us a little treat before the “big day.”

For some of the other days, we participate in activities like baking cookies, watching a Christmas movie, listening to Christmas music, play a board game, and more.

We also keep old traditions alive by making paper rings and popcorn strings – they’re so easy to do and they look so beautiful on the tree!

If you have a family or simply need the Christmas cheer, this is something I’d highly recommend you do. No matter your age, participating in a little Christmas activity every night is so much fun, and will definitely help if you need help getting into the spirit (or need a little extra cheer and spirit).

Also, in case it wasn’t clear, you can participate in ANY activities you’d wish; you could take the ideas I presented above, if you wanted, and add to them. There is no limit on what you can do if you put your mind to it.

Here is a list of ideas for your own 12 Days of Christmas:

  • Play a board game.
  • Bake cookies.
  • Decorate cookies.
  • Make an ornament.
  • Make paper rings.
  • Make Reindeer s’mores.
  • Make a Christmas sweater.
  • Watch a Christmas movie.
  • Look at Christmas lights.
  • Make popcorn strings.
  • Make hot chocolate.
  • Paint your nails Christmas colors.
  • Make a gingerbread house.
  • Have a Christmas photoshoot.
  • Listen to Christmas music.
  • Read a Christmas story.
  • Wrap presents.
  • Send Christmas cards.
  • Hang Christmas cards.
  • Open stockings.

And anything else you can think of! Anything will work as long as you’re having fun. Happy Holidays!


What would you do for your own 12 Days of Christmas celebration? What do you think of Taryn’s ideas? Let me know in the comments below! Also, while you here, I’d love for you to subscribe! 

Until Next Time, Friends!

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