Book Tags are such a fun way to let my readers get to know me better, and let’s be honest, they’re super fun to answer! I saw this 20 questions book tag on The Book Dutchesses, and thought it looked like a blast.

How many books are too many for a series?

I’ve read series with as many as 12 books, which seems a bit much. I enjoyed those series very much, though, so I’ll say any more than 12 books is too many for a series.

How do you feel about cliffhangers?

Depends. I think most bookworms will say that same thing. Is the book part of a series? Love them. If the book is a standalone, and you chose to end it on a cliffhanger, be prepared for some seriously pissed off readers. Personally, if an author ended a standalone book on a cliffhanger, I would never read anything by that author ever again.

Hardcover or Paperback?

Ebook. I love both hardback and paperback, but I read so few physical books anymore. I love being able to take my books with me wherever I go, so keeping my kindle loaded is a must for me.

Favorite book?

Little Women. I get lost in that book, to the point that people have been known to yell my name several times to get my attention. Jo is my favorite character, because she’s a bookworm like me.

Least favorite book?

That’s a hard question. I’d be better off telling you my least favorite authors. Anne Rice is an author that I can’t get into, no matter how many times I try. I can’t even stand movies made from her books, with the exception of Queen of the Damned. I love that movie mostly because of Stuart Townsend, anyway, not really because of the storyline.

Love Triangles, Yes or No?

Short answer? No. Long answer….it depends. In Twilight, I thought the triangle added to the drama, as well as gave readers something under which to unite. In most books, though, they aren’t handled well at all, and just scream “cringe” to me.

Most Recent Book You couldn’t finish?

The most recent book I actually tried to read, and couldn’t finish was The Holy Conspiracy. It was supposed to be a book about Jesus’ followers after his ascension, but the author added WAY too much from other religions and obviously didn’t do his/her research into the culture of the time period.

I get that it was supposed to be fiction, but even fiction based on real events should have an element of truth. Some people don’t believe that Jesus was real, so may not see the problem in such a book, but I do, so it was extremely problematic for me.

What are you currently reading?

Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson. I got it on Netgalley, and am really enjoying it so far. I’m almost halfway through, so you can look for my review sometime soon. I’m also reading Black Witch by Laurie Forest, that I’m enjoying very much. Since I count them as reading, I’ll bring up my proofreading project, which is part of the Hide and Seek Series by Z Jeffries. 

Last book you recommended to someone?

Most of the time, I recommend The Goners, by Kenyon Gagne. It is a futuristic science fiction, with amazing character development. I’m very much looking forward to his next book, so I can continue the story.

Oldest book you’ve read by publication date?

I have no idea. The oldest book I remember reading is by Victoria Holt. She was huge when I was in high school, so I’ve read a ton of her books. She writes amazing female characters, who have awesome adventures in faraway lands. I think she counts as a romance author, but she puts so much other stuff in her books that I wouldn’t classify them as only romance.

Newest book you’ve read by publication date?

Does a book that hasn’t published yet count? The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth comes out next year, but I’ve already read and reviewed. I’m super excited about the book coming out, because Sally is on my list of auto-buy authors. I will read anything that author writes. She’s amazing.

Favorite Author?

Michael Crichton. He has such a knack for taking something benign and asking, “What would happen if this all went to hell?” Books like Prey are a really good example of this.

Do you buy books or borrow books?

Buy. I don’t usually have time to re-read, but I like having the option. I also like to know that I’m supporting the author directly, rather than through a third party. Since I love self-published and indie books so much, this seems like the best option.

A Book you disliked that everyone else seems to love?

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo. Tons of people found it really good, but I found it problematic. It mentions a couple situations with the main character that I thought needed a trigger warning, and the story didn’t move along as well as the blurb suggested it would.

Bookmarks or Dog Ears?

Doesn’t matter to me, since I read e-books. I make bookmarks, too, so I rarely use dog-ears, even when I read a hard copy book. 

A Book you can always re-read?

Little Women, or the House of Night Series. House of Night is a series of books set in my hometown, so I love all the different references to locations that I know where they are.

Can you listen to music when you read?

If it’s instrumental, yes. I can’t listen to lyrical music while reading, because I get distracted and can’t concentrate on what I’m reading.

One Point of View or Multiple?

No preference. My only irritation with multiple points of view is when the author doesn’t determine early enough in the chapter or section who is speaking. I read a book called The Family Upstairs a while back that didn’t determine who was speaking, so I got confused quickly. I was able to get used to it after a while, but I was definitely irritated.

Do you read a book in one sitting, or over multiple days?

I wish I was able to read a book in one sitting. One day, my full time job will be this blog, proofreading, and podcasting, so I’ll be able to spend more time reading. 

Who do you tag?

Anyone who wants to answer these questions! I do hope you let me know on Twitter if you’ve posted this tag to your blog, so I can come read your questions! I hope you enjoyed my answers to the 20 Questions Book Tag!

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Until Next Time, Friends!

2 thoughts on “20 Questions Book Tag

    1. Thank you! I love doing tags like these! I even did the Vogue 73 questions tag yesterday. They’re so fun!

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