25 Questions To Get To Know Me Better

I found this tag on Sweet Tea & Hydrangeas because I was looking for a way to help you get to know me a little better. This one sounded like tons of fun, so here goes!

I always have trouble finding people to tag for these super fun posts, so if you enjoy reading, I encourage you to write your own 25 questions post, and comment below with the link so I can come check it out!

What is your middle name?

Jeanine. My mom gave me her middle name, so I always carry something of hers with me.

What was your favorite subject in school?

English. I’ve always been good with words. Probably because I read all the time 🙂

woman reading

What is your favorite drink?

If we’re talking alcohol, it’s baileys, cream and Kahlua. Non-alcohol is Monster Lo-Carb. I always make sure to drink plenty of water, though.

What is your favorite song at the moment?

Lola Montez by Volbeat. It has a great beat, and the lead singer has an awesome voice. Check it out here!

What is your favorite food?

I’m a total foodie, so that’s a really hard one. I would have to say the gluten-free gumbo my husband made for me a few months back. It’s labor-intensive, so he doesn’t make it often. He also learned how to make gluten free biscuits and gravy, which he makes for me on my birthday and mother’s day.

What is the last thing you bought?

A new mouse for my laptop, and a power-strip for my husband’s computer. He’s working from home right now.

Favorite book of all time?

Little Women. That was an easy question to answer! I can read that book over and over and never get tired of it! Second choice is Airframe by Michael Crichton.

Update: I have found some pretty incredible indie books since I wrote this post, so even though Little Women is still my favorite of All Time, Airframe is now relegated to my favorite Mainstream book.

Favorite color?

Green. It’s the color of life, and new beginnings. It’s also the feng shui color of Health and Potential. Pretty cool, huh?

Do you have any pets?

I have one cat, named Glenn. We used to have a Maggie, but she passed. I’m pretty sure Glenn thinks he’s a dog.

Update 2022: I now have two cats. Simon and Glenn. Glenn is the gray chonk you see on twitter, and Simon is a black long-hair I got for my birthday. 

Favorite perfume?

I’m not sure, I don’t really wear perfume. I do wear the body spray from Bath & Body Works “Twilight Woods.” I like it a lot. My husband wears it every day to work. He says it’s so he can carry a bit of me with him. So sweet.

Favorite Holiday?

Christmas or Easter. Don’t make me choose one over the other, please.

Are you married?

I got to marry my best friend in 2018. Couldn’t be happier. Check out this post about our honeymoon.

Have you ever been out of the country? How many times?

I’ve been out of the country twice. Once to Guatemala on a missions trip, and once to Sweden. Both were amazing trips. My dream is to visit London and Italy. I need some real Italian food.

Do you speak any other languages?

I speak some Spanish, and I have learned some Burmese. Lung Dam! That means Thank you in Zomi Burmese.

How many siblings do you have?

I have a full sister and a half sister. 

What is your favorite shop?

Does Amazon count? I buy almost everything from Prime. Free Shipping!

Favorite restaurant?

HuHot Mongolian Grill. Hubs and I go most times we have a date night. We’ve had the same server there for years, since before we got married. We always ask to sit in Jen’s section, so when we were unable to once, she actually looked at us like we’d betrayed her. We honestly had no choice, though; her section was full.

When was the last time you cried?

Last month when I started my Period. TMI, I’m sure, but my husband and I have been trying to get pregnant, so that was a pretty emotional time.

Favorite blog?

So many I couldn’t even count. I do love Uncorked Librarian, though. 

Favorite Movie?

The Matrix. I’ve seen that movie so many times I honestly can’t count.

The Matrix Resurrections': 30 Facts To Know About Original Movie | Complex

Favorite TV Shows?

Fringe and Stargate SG-1. I love anything sci-fi, really. UPDATE: Should have put Alias on the list as well. My friend Gabe and I even started a podcast about it. Check it out here!

Watch Alias | Full episodes | Disney+

PC or Mac?

PC, please. I’m not sure I could figure out how to work a Mac if I had one. I had to use an iPhone for a job once, and had such a hard time with it. I love my Android and hope I never have to use an iPhone regularly.

What phone do you have?

Samsung Galaxy something. Android all the way!

How tall are you?

5’5″. Short enough I need help getting stuff off the top shelf, but not so short I get all the short jokes. I have been known to walk up to strangers and say, “Hey, you’re tall. Can I get your help?”

Can you cook?

I won’t ever be on “Beat Bobby Flay,” but I love to cook. My husband loves to cook, too, so we often take turns. He even tells you I cook better than he does, even though he was a chef for a long time.

Hey! Let me know in the comments what your answers are! I’d love to get to know you better! If you post these questions on your blog, please link back to this post! While you’re here, please subscribe! I email once a week with newest posts, and I never spam.

Until Next Time, Friends!

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