I wanted to do a fun “get to know me” post, so I scoured the internet for the most interesting questions I could find, and some of the “not so original, but people always seem to ask” questions. Enjoy getting to know me a little better from 41 things you might not know about me.

Where I’m From

Ok, so when people ask me this question, I usually tell them I was born a yankee, but raised a southerner. I was born in Kanakee, IL, in Riverside Hospital. My family moved south when I was about 6 months old, and I’ve lived in the South ever since. I love it here, mostly because it’s not cold and snowy during winter like in most northern states, and as an adult I’m thankful for the low cost of living.

My favorite Ice cream

I have several, actually. Cappuccino chocolate chunk, Salted Caramel Craze, and Banana Pecan. Several others make the list of “Ice cream I would eat,” but those three are my top choices.

My Choice of Superpower

I’d want to be able to teleport. Just the thought of being able to travel the world, without having to get on a plane, sounds amazing. Can you imagine the savings on gas? I’d take my husband to work in the mornings, pick him up in the afternoon, and never have to drive again. Sounds like heaven.

Pretty sure hubs would appreciate not having to drive, too.

What movie have I watched the most?

I saw the first Matrix movie 5 times before it left theaters back in 1999, and have seen it oh so many times ever since. It’s my favorite movie, and the one I would watch over and over and over.

Honorable mentions: Blade Trinity, Undercover Blues, The Princess Bride, and Resident Evil.

My Favorite Personal Quality

I love being kind. I always want those around me to feel like they fit in, even when they don’t. Growing up, I never felt like I fit in anywhere, and I don’t ever want someone in my friendship circle to feel the same.

My Favorite Physical Quality

My eyes. I’ve always loved the fact that I got my mom’s eyes. Long eyelashes, and the ability to wear any color eyeshadow I want, because of the unique hazel color of my eyes.

My Favorite Type of Pet

Cat. I’ve been a cat person ever since I was a kid, and even though I’ve owned dogs, and love other peoples’ dogs, I always tend to go back to cat. I love the soft ones who snuggle in my lap, like my Simon. His purr is so relaxing too.

Favorite Hobby

Crochet. I love taking a hook and yarn, and making something beautiful. My favorite things to make are scrunchies, scarves, and slouchy hats. I enjoy the occasional fingerless glove too.

The Bravest Thing I’ve Ever Done

Start my podcast. I had been wanting to for a long time, but had never quite gotten up the courage. Finally, one day I decided to heck with it, I’m going to do it even though I’m scared out of my wits. My first episode was with my friend Essie, and after 30 minutes I had to stop recording because my stomach was so upset. I’m sure you can tell I’ve gotten over that by now.

My Favorite Quote

Zig Ziglar, “If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” Smiling at people can brighten their day, even if you don’t realize it right then.

My least Favorite Household Chore

Anything to do with the bathroom. I don’t clean our toilet, or empty our litterbox. My husband, awesome person that he is, does these things for me, so I won’t have to.

I also hate loading the dishwasher. I will empty it all day long, but hate getting food on my fingers to load it. UGH.

Celebrity I Get Mistaken For

Kate Winslet. My “Most Likely To” in high school was “most likely to star in a remake of Titanic.”

I’ve never understood this. I’ve never had an interest in becoming a professional actress, and I was only in one play during all 4 years of high school.

Last TV Show That Made Me Tear Up

AGT. My husband has gotten me hooked on it, and the Golden Buzzers get me every time. My favorite golden buzzers have been Kody Lee and The Mayaas.

Best Gift I’ve Ever Received

I’ve gotten some really great ones over the years, but I think the year I got my first television from my father. It had a 13 inch screen and a VCR. I loved it, and used it until it died of old age.

Worst Gift I’ve Ever Received

Staples Easy Button. Not kidding. No, I won’t tell you from who. That would be mean.

My Biggest Fear

Not being able to have my child. Hubs and I have been trying almost 4 years, and it’s getting harder and harder to be hopeful.

Favorite Game/Sport to Play or Watch

Billiards. I love to play it, and I can binge youtube videos of Shane Van Boening all day long. I hope to meet him one day.

My favorite memory playing pool was the year I played a professional player’s fiance, with him sitting right there watching, and kicked her booty. The fangirl in me loved that.

Nicknames Through the Years

I’ve been Pam Spray since I was very young, Spam for about a hot minute, and Pajamas for an even shorter minute. My favorite was given to me by a local DJ, “Pam-I-Am,” and I’ve always loved that one. Some people call me Pammy, but that list is very short. One coworker calls me Pammy-Cakes, and I love that too. When she forgets and calls me Pam, I go, “Who?!” and she corrects. It’s fun.

Like or Dislike Surprises?

When I am receiving a gift, I absolutely love surprises. I don’t want to know what a gift is. I’m also the absolute worst at keeping gifts a surprise. I can’t shop for gifts early, because within a week, I’m asking the person, “I know your birthday is in like 3 months, but I have your gift now. Can I give it to you?”

Longest I’ve gone without sleep. Why?

The day I miscarried. I was awake at 1am, miscarried at 3am, and other than an hour nap at 4pm, I went almost a full 24 hours without sleep. I couldn’t bear to be in the bedroom that day. It was such a triggering, traumatic event, that I needed to be close to my husband. I slept with my head in his lap, when I was able to sleep at all.

Last book I read?

The Cinderella Hour by Lisa Silverthorne. I don’t read much romance, but this one was cute.

Favorite Family Recipe

It’s a tie between my mom’s buttermilk chicken recipe, and my mom’s bean burrito recipe. Both are so yummy, and now I’m hungry.

Love or Hate Roller Coasters?

Hate. I’ve ridden a few, but I have a severe fear of falling, so all the ups and downs freak me out. To be fair, I also hate ferris wheels. Same reason.

But, I want to go rapelling. Go figure.

Favorite Type of Foreign Food?

My husband is Italian, so if I say anything other than pasta, I’m betraying a whole mess of people. I also love tacos, and most mexican food. My city also has a fantastic Indian place that I love going to when I can.

Favorite Subject in School

Teacher’s Aide in the library. Where else?

Oh, you mean a subject to study? English. I never even minded having to write papers. Good practice for my blogging career, huh?

Celebrity I Want to Meet for a Cup of Coffee

Selma Blair. I read her memoir recently, and couldn’t put it down. She seems like such an amazing human being, and I would love to just sit and talk to her about her life.

Remove a Month from the Yearly Calendar

August. Absolutely NO holidays happen in August, it’s the hottest month of the year, and school starts that month. It’s completely useless. Take it out!

Can I Cook?

Yep. My husband even says I’m a better cook than he is, even though he was a chef for 15 years. I’m not sure I believe him. His food is amazing, and he makes me gluten free biscuits and gravy. Can’t go wrong with that.

Favorite Perfume and Cologne

My favorite perfume to wear myself is Fifth Avenue. I found it when I worked at WalMart, and have loved it ever since. It’s kind of pricey, so not something I can keep around all the time.

Favorite cologne is Hugo Boss Hugo. It’s another one I learned about during my Walmart career, and it smells SO good. (FYI, it’s the green bottle, not the black. The black hugo boss smells like a 65 year old lawyer. Ugh.)

Favorite Song

Let Me Love You by Ne-Yo. Such a beautiful song, with an amazing message.

Scary Movies or Happy Endings?

If I only have these two to choose from, I choose scary movies. I don’t trust happy endings. When you watch a romantic comedy, and the couple ends up together at the end, they never show you all the fights and inevitable breakups that happen when the camera stops rolling.

Yes, I’m a cynic. I even hate Valentine’s Day. Bring on the judgment.

Favorite Karaoke Song

I sing Lorde’s Royals with my friend Stace, even though we haven’t in quite a long time.

When I sing by myself, I sing Heaven is a Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle.

Song I Hate but Always Sing Along With

Photograph by Nickelback and Superman by Matchbox 20. I absolutely hate both of those songs. When they were new, radio stations played them CONSTANTLY, and despite the fact that they’re not horrible songs, I can’t stand them.

Favorite Rap Song

The Real Slim Shady by Eminem. I learned every single word.

Favorite Candy Bar

3 Musketeers, or anything Reese’s.

Favorite Restaurant

HuHot. Mongolian Barbecue place, all-you-can-eat, and they are AMAZING at working with people who have food allergies. My husband and I go for every special occasion, and even some not-so-special, “It’s Saturday” days. Our favorite server has been there forever, so getting to see her often is amazing too.

Favorite Volunteer Job

When I was in my intro to Sociology class, we had to volunteer at the food bank. My favorite thing to do was when we had to bag potatoes into 5lb bags. I got so good at it, that I didn’t even have to weigh the potatoes. They were all close to 5lbs. My bagging partner was thrilled, because it made our jobs so much easier.

Nickname Only My Family Calls Me

My middle name is Jeanine, so my initials are PJ. My sister and my father would call me PJ, up until my nephew TJ was born. Once you’ve reached a point when two people are answering because they can’t tell who you’re calling, one has to go.

I was glad to see PJ go. Way too close to Pajamas, which a friend called me as a kid, and I hated it.

Starbucks Order

This is almost always in one of these “get to know me” posts, so I would be remiss to avoid it. I rarely drink at Starbucks, but when I go, I get a White Mocha with 5 pumps white chocolate, almond milk, no whip no foam.

Then I sprinkle chocolate, cinnamon and nutmeg on top. YUM.

Weird Phobias

I have a jumping bug phobia. Grasshoppers, Crickets, jumping spiders….Cue the nightmares. I also have a weird phobia of earthworms, but that stems from high school, when I had to dissect one, and they’re SO gross.

Favorite Day of the Week

Friday. Most people will say Saturday, but there’s something about knowing it’s the last day of the work week, and since my Friday’s are typically slow and quiet, they’re just the perfect day.

Did you enjoy these 41 things you should know about me? I haven’t written a post like this in a while, and thought it would be fun. I don’t know of any specific tags that include all these questions, but if you’d like to create your own post, and answer these questions, please tag me here, so I can come read your post!

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Until Next Time, Friends!

2 thoughts on “41 Things You May Not Know About Me

  1. Big “ditto” on the superpower-of-choice; my wife is a flight attendant with family back in Africa, and it would be great to cut down on her travel time.

    1. That would be amazing!
      I jut know I have so many places I want to visit, and not having to take time to travel would be amazing.
      Wouldn’t even need a hotel room. Teleport hom every night to sleep.

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