8 Souls by Rachel Rust [Book Review]

8 Souls is not your typical ghost story. I thought it was when I began reading, and almost didn’t finish it. I’m so glad I stuck with it, though, because it got really interesting! Keep reading for my review of 8 Souls, by Rachel Rust.

Francesca, or “Chessie” to her friends and family, has been having the same dream every night, for as long as she can remember. The problem is, Chessie’s dream house is right across the street from her grandparents, with whom she’s spending the whole summer. The Axe Murder House, as everyone in town calls it, was the scene of a horrific murder 100 years ago. 8 people died that night, and no one knows who did it.

When Chessie starts having dreams when she’s awake, and hears giggles in the middle of the night, she has no idea that they’re connected to her dream house. So when she meets Mateo and David, she thinks they might be able to help her rid herself of the ghosts.

Not all is as it seems, though, and neither David nor Mateo are who they seem. Can Chessie solve the mystery and get her life back, or is she doomed to be haunted forever?

Like I said above, this starts out as a typical ghost story. Girl gets haunted, has no idea what to do, so makes friends with the local ghost hunter.

This book is not typical in any way, which is actually why I think I loved it so much. I have said on multiple occasions that I love indie books because they always seem to have a unique take on an old trope. This book is no different. Yes, Chessie is being haunted, but the reasons are completely different.


Chessie’s point of view is the perfect one for this story. I loved reading her thoughts about everything as it’s happening to her, and her worries about her parents and grandparents finding out what’s going on. She not only doesn’t want them to worry, but she doesn’t want them to think she’s crazy, and send her to a doctor again.

Chessie and David’s relationship was very well done. I never once got the idea that their romance was rushed. Even though she met Mateo first, David is the one who helps her the most to get through the ghosts coming from the Axe Murder House. His story and background was an excellent addition to the story, and made their relationship even more special. I especially loved David’s story. I’m not going to tell you here, because it would be a spoiler.

This book was super easy to read! I think I got through it in about a day and a half, which in my life recently is a feat and a half by itself! I always tell myself I’m going to get to read more, and never seem to find the time, so when I find a book that I can read and enjoy like this, it makes me really happy!


The only thing that I wasn’t sure about was the lack of other characters.

Chessie didn’t have very many supporting characters in her story, which I’m not used to. She had David, of course, but her grandparents didn’t know anything was going on, so Chessie was left on her own quite a bit.

Her conflict with her middle school nemesis was an interesting addition, though. She was one character I wasn’t sure really needed to be there, but liked it at the same time.

The conflict just added to Chessie’s isolation in dealing with the ghosts in her life.

I hope you get a chance to get this book, and read it! I really enjoyed it, and bet you will too. It isn’t a typical ghost story, even though it starts out a little weird. Chessie handles her story as best she can, and brings the reader along for the ride. It’s a fun ride, so check it out when you can! Click the image below to purchase your copy!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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