A Comprehensive Book Blogger List for Authors

A few months ago, I had the grand idea that I wanted to have a book blogger list here on The Picky Bookworm. While that is still my desire, because I honestly don’t think there can be enough of them on the web, I thought I’d share some other directories I’ve found in the meantime. So, if you need a book review, these amazing book blogger lists are a great place to start.

If you want to join my book blogger list, you can do so here.

I was honestly a little surprised by how many I found. I was searching for book blogs online, and kept coming across these directories, listing other book blogs, and before I knew it, I was knee deep in book blogs.

I’m really not mad about that. I’m always learning how to be a more active member of the community. Authors know who I am, because I’m constantly supporting and promoting them, but I sometimes forget about my fellow bloggers, and how they need love too. This post, I hope, will rectify some of that. And don’t forget to check out my post in a couple weeks, on how to work with book bloggers.

As I come across blogger lists that I’m interested in, I’ve added my information. I hope if you’re a blogger, you’ll consider doing the same. Giving authors, especially self-published authors, as much information as we can, helps them find the best bloggers for their work, and saves them time and money on marketing that might not work as well.

The Empowered Author

This book blogger list has tons of book bloggers and gives information on the genres the bloggers read and review, along with whether they review indie and self published books. This is a comprehensive list, so you’ll be sure to find a few bloggers you’d like to work with. As usual, please pay attention to their policies, and don’t send them a review request for a genre they’ve stated they don’t want to read.

The Book Blogger List

Ok, so this book blogger list is a little different from others I’ve found. Instead of listing the book bloggers, and then listing the genres each one reads and reviews, blogs are listed by genre first. So, once you’ve read the Instructions for Authors, you’ll click on either “Fiction,” “Fiction Part 2,” or “Non-Fiction” to find the genre you’re looking for. Each book blogger that reviews in that genre will be listed on the page. Vist their website for more information.

Questions? Don’t leave a comment. Use the Contact form to ask your question, and the coordinators will get back to you as soon as possible.


I’ve read several amazing articles on this website about writing and publishing kindle books, and marketing your books in order to be successful. I highly recommend checking out the other articles on this site, as well as the book blogger list.

You’ll have a choice on this list between finding “professional” book review sites, such as Kirkus or Indie Reader, and Book Blogs, which are usually more conversational, and which many writers use as a hobby, simply to share their love of books. The biggest difference I’ve seen between the sites who charge for reviews, such as Kirkus, and book blogs, is Kirkus usually offers more editorial and analytical reviews, and book bloggers like sharing their opinions, and are more informal about it. In my opinion, I’d go with a book blogger every time, simply because I have a personal problem with paying for someone’s opinion.


BookSirens offers free books for review, similar to Netgalley. I’ve used them a few times, and have found some really great books. I didn’t know they also have a book reviewer directory that you can search for reviewers for your book! I’m thrilled they are able to offer this service as well. It seems pretty easy. Just type in the genre of your book, and the list will bring up all bloggers or reviewers who read and review that genre. Simply pay attention to their policies, and contact them using their preferred method.

A Book, A Thought

Ok, I wasn’t expecting to find a book blogger list on a free wordpress site, but that just goes to show that even the free sites have valuable information. This list is offered by an actual book blogger! So excited, and I hope you’ll give them a follow while you’re checking out this list. Most of the blogger sites here are listed by genre, but this list is alphabetical. That only means you might have a little more of a time finding the ones you want, but I’d definitely recommend checking it out. If nothing else, you might find some new bloggers to follow. I know I’ll be checking this list out, for sure!

TCK Publishing

I’ve read some other articles on this site, and they’ve got some super helpful stuff. Feel free to browse around, and check out this book blogger list, You’ll find them listed with a link to their policies, along with the genres they review. It even has a search bar, so you can enter the genre of your book, and find the bloggers who have that genre on their list.

Tips and Tricks for Working With Book Bloggers

As always, please be respectful of book bloggers and their time. Many of us do this as a hobby, and we do it because we enjoy it. When we get inundated with requests, especially for genres we don’t read, it wastes our time, and is extremely frustrating. The fact that my book blog is also a business is a unicorn in the book blog world, so I’m sure the other bloggers in the community appreciate the respect that authors afford them.

Finally, here’s a couple tips for requesting a review:

  • Read the reviewer’s policies before contacting them for a review.
  • Be respectful of their time, so include a link to your book, or a blurb if at all possible.
  • Be kind in your request. If a blogger feels like you are making a demand of them, you’ll be less likely to get what you want.
  • Always state whether you are able to offer a free book, and in what formats. If the reviewer requests a paperback or hardback, offer to sign it, and include a sweet thank you note.


I hope this helped you out, authors! I’ve found a bunch of lists here that should give you a great place to start. Keep checking back here, as well, because I’d love to get my own Book Blogger List published in the near future. Book bloggers, I hope you’ll consider adding your information to these lists, or at least adding to mine. I’d love to have a comprehensive resource for authors to find quality reviews for their books. Word of mouth is such an amazing marketing tool, so let’s help these authors out!

Until Next Time, Friends!

2 thoughts on “A Comprehensive Book Blogger List for Authors

  1. Hello
    I have self published a book on Amazon. The title is: “My fight for my familly(The Mega Pig file)”.
    It is non fiction.
    If you would consider giving it a look over and tell me what you think, I could send you a copy if I have a address to send it to.
    It has some reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.
    David Jordan

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