The Phoenix Trilogy by Jessica Piro [Book Review Update 2022]

Y’all. I seriously fell in love with Ascension of The Phoenix from about page 15 on. I’m so sorry it took me so long to write this review, but trust me, it is worth the wait. The author, Jessica Piro, approached me about writing a review for her, and while I don’t remember whether I jumped at the chance or not, I can say I’m so glad I did tell her yes!

Leila is #goals. I’m not even kidding. She has such talent, fire and loyalty. She is one of those characters that just MAKES you want to be better. Or at the very least, learn Five-Animals Kung Fu.

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Synopsis – Ascension of The Phoenix

Leila, and her boyfriend David are cops in New York City. When David is killed in the line of duty, Leila kind of loses herself. She has no idea what she’s going to do with her life, until David sort of visits her from beyond the grave. He tells her that he wasn’t her destiny. Her destiny lies with another man, one whom she has yet to meet. He assures her that when she meets him, all her hurt will heal, and she will be able to move on from his death.

Sounds kind of icky, right? That visit was kind of where the story lost me a little. Not because it didn’t seem real, but that the story I was expecting wasn’t a romance. Luckily for me, the book is not a romance, although it does have some romantic aspects to it. This book is a story of a young woman finding herself after loss, and learning to live for herself and not others. The theme is about strength in adversity.

Synopsis – Dragon of Russia

Leila is back with a new story, this time in Russia. After some things happen (I have to be so careful with spoilers here) Leila heads to Russia to go undercover for her boss. She chose to go, because her head just wasn’t in a good space, and she felt like she needed space to find herself, and come to terms with her new relationship with the Phoenix.

Leila’s dark side is determined to find vengeance for David’s death, and fights Leila on almost every decision. When Leila’s life comes under attack, she’s rescued by a group of Spetznaz officers, and moves to their house for her safety. The leader of this group is Dragunov, the Dragon, and may be who David was talking about. 

Synopsis – Dueling with Snakes

The final book in the Phoenix Trilogy is going to be the hardest to tell you about without spoilers. Geez, this book was good! Leila is back at the Rulers of the Realms tournament, this time with Dragunov as her partner. The only reason she’s decided to fight at all is because she found out David’s killer is going to be there. The Phoenix is still determined for vengeance, even though Leila is becoming stronger, and is able to heal, mostly with Dragunov’s help. Leila’s time with the Spetznaz group has been highly beneficial, and she has learned much about herself and much about The Phoenix. Tons of things happen, but you’ll have to read the book to find out. This final installment in the trilogy was action-packed and a super fun story.

My Thoughts

When Leila meets a street fighter, she begins her journey to her ascension, and discovering who she was meant to be. I loved this part of the story, because it gave me “Mortal Kombat” feels. It isn’t the same, but the name of the tournament that Leila fights in is the “Ruler of the Realms” tournament.

This book is the beginning of a series, so I won’t tell you everything, obviously, but I will say this book was SO GOOD. I was about halfway through the book when I told my mom she would love it. To my mom’s credit, she trusted me, and bought the book immediately. I can’t wait to find out what she thought of it! I hope she loves it at much as I did!


The characters in The Phoenix Trilogy were super fun! I definitely had my favorites, but unfortunately I can’t tell you about them because I could be spoiling something. I will tell you that beside Leila, my favorite character appears in book 2, and I haven’t mentioned him yet. Once you read the book, leave me a comment below with who you think my favorite character is.


My favorite character in Ascension of the Phoenix is obviously Leila. She is amazing, and firey, and strong. I have other characters that are the kind that I love to hate, but I won’t actually mention any of them, because it might ruin the story. Leila has to work hard to find herself, but with David’s help, and the help of her friend Jamaal, she is able to find a sort of balance.


While he isn’t my favorite, Jamaal is super cool. He is Leila’s street fighting partner, and her teammate when she fights in the Ruler of The Realms tournament. He understands that Leila is fighting her past and her grief, but he doesn’t push or anything. He gives her the space she needs to discover herself.


Dragunov, as the leader of a super effective Spetznaz team, is regimented, disciplined, and in possession of his own dark side. I love how he is able to work with Leila, and help her find balance between her human side and her dark side. He gets that she’s hurting, but like Jamaal, he never forces her into anything. He gives her the space she needs, while making sure she knows he’s available to help.

My Favorite Book in The Phoenix Trilogy

Obviously, I can’t tell you why, but book 3 was my favorite in the trilogy. Leila’s time in Russia was hugely beneficial for her, and she enters the Rulers of the Realms tournament with her head more or less on straight. She still struggles with the Phoenix in some ways, but she’s also found a way of communicating with her dark side, so the struggle isn’t as overt.

Lessons to Learn

I’ve said it before, but Leila is #goals. I absolutely love her as a character, and throughout the trilogy she learns a ton about herself. I think the main lesson I could take away from The Phoenix Trilogy is that it’s important to find balance in our lives, and that not every struggle or horrible thing to happen has to be forever. Leila was traumatized when David died, but she was able to move forward and was eventually able to find balance. 


Yes, of course I recommend The Phoenix Trilogy. Who wouldn’t? If you disliked this series, I really need you to leave a comment explaining why. I’d love to know, and I’m sure Jessica would love any constructive feedback to make her writing better. I absolutely loved the whole series, and am looking forward to discussing this book with all of you!

Leave a comment with any thoughts or questions you have about the series, and I’ll answer as best I can. Check out the link below to find the entire trilogy on Amazon. You can also follow Jessica on Twitter, and get behind the scenes information on future books or series. 

Jessica Piro on Twitter


Ascension of The Phoenix is such a good book, and it has made it to the top of my list of favorite books so far this year. I can’t wait for you to click the link below and buy this book for yourself! I really don’t think you’ll regret it!

The next two books in the trilogy are also available, so grab them too, and read the whole series at once! I hope you enjoy!

Grab The Entire Phoenix Trilogy Here

Ascension of the Phoenix

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Until Next Time, Friends!

One thought on “The Phoenix Trilogy by Jessica Piro [Book Review Update 2022]

  1. Wow! I am blown away by your review, and I am SO GLAD you enjoyed it! (And that you realized it was about Leila finding herself.)
    I hope your mom enjoys it, too!

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