Authors, Books, Community – 3 of My Favorite Words

When I started The Picky Bookworm, I honestly had no idea what it was going to be, or where I was going to take it. I just wanted to talk about books. I didn’t even know where those books were going to come from! 

Although, the book I was reading at the time, The 13th Affair by James Patterson, probably wasn’t the best choice in hindsight.

5 years later (WOOT!!) and I still have no idea where The Picky Bookworm is going to be in another 5 years, but I know where I want it to be right now. This year. I want to be where my tagline says I am. I want to have a community of authors and book lovers. I love lifting up Indie authors and those authors who don’t have another cheerleader. Those authors who need that little bit of extra support, because they have this HUGE idea for a book, but the imposter syndrome is a real thing and they just don’t know if they have it in them.

You do, by the way. You’re amazing.

I chose that tagline because it actually means something to me. I don’t know that I’ve been living up to it in the community aspect, though, which is why you’re getting all these nice friendly “lifestyle” type posts. I want to start the discussion here, like I do on Twitter. I have over 7000 followers on Twitter, and a ton of them actually comment and engage with me! 

I wonder why that is?

Probably because of the random “word vomit” and question posts I’m constantly writing. So, I asked myself, “why not do that here? Why not do that on my blog?” Especially since I have more room over here than I do on Twitter. I’m already at 293 words, instead of 280 characters. So much better!

I know “Community” seems like kind of a buzz word these days, but it’s a buzz word for a reason. If you look at the word’s definition, you’ll see “a group of people with a particular characteristic in common.”

Well, that’s us, right? I get it! So yeah, it’s kind of a buzz word, or a trigger word if you wanna go negative, but it’s that way for a reason.

I’m here to do what I do best. Lift up my community, by helping authors and promoting books. Those 3 words (I almost quoted Tag Team here but I’m not gonna… if you know, you know) are my mission. That, and inclusivity. You are safe here. So let’s build the community of our dreams. If I build it, will you come?

Sorry, couldn’t help it. Sue me.

Until Next Time, Friends!

P.S. Hey, thanks for sticking around! I wanted to let you know that I am currently accepting editing/proofreading clients, so if you’re a self-published fantasy author, I want to talk to you! Head over to my services page to see what I can do for you!

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