Auto-Buy Authors? Nope. How About Auto-Buy Publishers?

You’ve heard other readers talk about their ‘auto-buy authors,’ and this is SUPER valid. I have a few myself. I’ve never seen anyone talk about their favorite publishers, though, so I thought I’d give it a shot. There are three indie publishers that I would buy anything from, whether I know the author or not. This is based on several things, but the two main criteria I use for auto-buy publishers are: whether they publish genres I enjoy, and whether I trust them.

This doesn’t mean that I’ve bought every book they’ve ever published, hello…can’t go broke buying books, amirite? But it does mean that I open almost every email they send me, and I get really excited when I see them show up in my inbox.

Auto-Buy Publisher #1: Papillon du Pere

I’m actually friends with Jay, the owner of Papillon du Pere Publishing, and he’s such an awesome human being! He’s been part of the publishing industry for a couple decades at least, so really knows his stuff. His most recent pub, The Santa Claus Agreement by Derek McFadden, is such a beautiful story, and proves why Papillon du Pere is on this list. Jay also works with another author, Bradley Harper, to put together a collection of short stories, titled The Bells of Christmas. The proceeds from those sales go to St. Jude’s Hospital. You get a wonderful book, and you get to support a fantastic cause.

Check out Papillon du Pere’s Website

Auto-Buy Publisher #2: Rebellion Publishing

Rebellion hasn’t been on my list for very long, but I’ve enjoyed every book I’ve read from them. They focus on two of my favorite genres, thriller and fantasy, so I know when I purchase a book from them I’ll get exactly what I’m looking for. The most recent book I got from them, on early access, is titled The Iron Children. When I read the blurb, I absolutely couldn’t say no. Robot nuns, on a trek across a freezing mountain, with a traitor in their midst.

I read “robot nuns” and absolutely couldn’t say no. Once I read the book, I’ll be able to tell you all about it, and you’ll know precisely why they’re auto-buy publishers for me.

Update 05/08/23: I recently read The Ten Percent Thief, and LOVED it. I’m excited to write my review for you next week, so stay tuned!

Check out Rebellion Publishing

Auto-Buy Publisher #3: Inkubator Books

Ok, Inkubator, you really need to stop publishing so many Miranda Rijks books! I’m going to go broke, seriously! I read my first Miranda book for a blog tour a couple years ago, and I’m a little obsessed with her writing. I’ve found tons of other books from Inkubator as well, and I’ve never read a bad one. They focus on contemporary thrillers, so if you love books with plenty of twists and turns, you won’t be sad to pick up a book from Inkubator!

Go See Inkubator Books


Ok, so these are my three auto-buy publishers, and I’m so excited to tell you about them! This list has been a long time coming, so with the new year coming, I hope you’ll check them out, and hopefully find some amazing new books! If you have any publishers that you love, and will buy anything from, I’d love to know! Please leave me a comment with a link to their website so I can check them out!

Be sure to come back for my next blog post: Self-published authors you should have in your TBR immediately. It’s gonna be a really fun post to write, and hopefully you’ll find some amazing books to read in 2023!

In the meantime, these books are itching for some attention, so check out some amazing book reviews!

I hope you have a fantastic day, a wonderful holiday season, and a very happy new year!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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