Well, my friends, I have read so many awesome books this year, that having to choose my 10 best books of 2021 actually caused not even a small bit of anxiety. I couldn’t include books I’ve proofread, either, which I think is completely unfair. Hopefully, I’ll get to talk about them next year!

I’m telling you, though, this list was REALLY hard to compile. I even considered increasing the number of books in the list, but then I’d just list all the books I read, so no one would feel left out.

Please know, if I read your book in 2021, I probably really enjoyed it, especially if I reviewed it. I simply want to keep this post as concise as possible. I don’t want it to take a million years to read. These books are not listed in any particular order.

Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson

I read Vespertine as a Netgalley book, and absolutely loved it! The world was amazing, the magic was well-done, and I absolutely loved the dynamic between Nun and Revenant. Obviously, can’t tell you too much about it, because I won’t spoil it and I want you to read it.

Read my review of Vespertine

A Black Widow’s Web by Phil Martin

It’s been a while since I’ve read A Black Widow’s Web, but I remember really enjoying it. It had the perfect amount of “thriller” and intrigue. I reviewed it at the beginning of the year for a blog tour, and was only a tiny bit obsessed.

Read my review of A Black Widow’s Web

The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth

Sally made it onto my “auto-buy author” list so easily with this book, The Good Sister. Rose and her twin sister Fern have been close for a long time. Ever since Fern did the one bad thing she’s ever done. Now, Rose is trying to get pregnant, so Fern has found the perfect way to say thank you. Only one thing is standing in her way…she didn’t expect to fall in love.

Read my review of The Good Sister

The Younger Wife by Sally Hepworth

After The Good Sister, I knew I would read anything by Sally Hepworth, so when The Younger Wife showed up on Netgalley, it was immediately met with a “Request.” I’m so happy I got approved for this book, because y’all…The Younger Sife SO good! Unfortunately, I didn’t check the release date before reviewing, because it doesn’t come out until March or April. I do believe it’s open for preorder, though, so be sure to grab a copy!

Read my review of The Younger Wife

The 13th Zodiac by Lacey Krauch

I met Lacey on Twitter through a mutual friend. Lacey was looking for a proofreader for her debut book, The 13th Zodiac, and I had the honor working with her. I LOVED this book, you guys! I’m currently proofreading the prequel to this book, and I can’t recommend this book enough. It has everything: intrigue, thrills, bad guys, chases, escapes….ok, sorry, Princess Bride flashback there….but still, this book has everything a fantasy reader could ever want.

Read my review of The 13th Zodiac

The Forgiver’s Club by LW Hawksby

The author sent me a signed paperback (SIGNED! AAAAAAH!) of The Forgiver’s Club, and I’m not only happy to have another signed indie book in my collection, I’m also thrilled to tell you I LOVED this book. I had the hardest time putting it down! I think I read it in just a couple days.

Read my review of The Forgiver’s Club


The Fiancee by Kate White

I don’t listen to many audiobooks. I admire those who can, and not let the sound drift into the background. To me, audiobooks become like white noise, and after about 10 minutes, I completely lose my place. I’ll have no clue what’s going on. The Fiancee was different, though. The writing was superb, the narrator was awesome, and the story…lemme tell ya! This thriller had enough twists and turns that I had no idea what was going on…in a good way!

Read my review of The Fiancee

Connor’s Gambit by Z. Gottleib

Connor’s Gambit was a book I got for free a while back when it was on sale, and didn’t get a chance to read it until earlier this year. I loved this book so much, that when my mom told me I could buy her a book for her birthday, I jumped on this one pretty darn quick! The only problem was the price point. I would have gladly paid way more than a dollar for this book, and I thought the author should raise his price on this lovely piece of space literature.

Read my review of Connor’s Gambit

Everlong by R. Raeta

My Twitter besties Katie, Lacey, Caroline, and I read and discussed Everlong for our Golden Girls Book Club podcast episode in December. Every month, we choose an indie book and then have a sort of “book review” episode on my podcast. Everlong was a book that we literally didn’t have a bad thing to say about. We gushed so much about this book, and it was SO hard to keep from giving spoilers, because the book is full of them! I haven’t written my full review of the book, but you can still listen to our podcast episode below.

Listen to The Golden Girls review of Everlong

Dark Blue by Elliott Motl

Dark Blue is supposed to be a ghost story. Well, sorta. It deals mainly with our personal ghosts and trauma, rather than real ghosts. Dark Blue has those too, but they aren’t scary. It’s so hard to talk about this book without spoilers, but I managed to do it in my review. I also got to talk to Elliott on my podcast, which was so fun!

Read my review of Dark Blue

Honorable Mentions

The Forever King by Ben Galley

Beautiful Nightmare by LC Son

Deadline by Jennifer Blackstream

Have you read any of these books? Let me know below what your favorite book is on this list! I love connecting with my readers, and I love talking about my favorite books!

Know what else I love? Giving away books! Check out my Giveaway page for a list of the books that are coming up in the queue soon, and be sure to subscribe so you can get in on the giveaways! If you subscribe, not only could you win a free book, you will also get a coupon code for 10% off my Etsy shop, where I have awesome book inspired candles! The Forever King is releasing this weekend, and I’m so excited!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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