Review of 24/7 by Jim Brown on The Picky Bookworm. Enjoy this review of a thrilling book that I couldn't get sick of if I tried! Leave a comment with your thoughts on the book and whether you've read it!24/7 by Jim Brown is a backlist book that I’ve loved for the longest time! Whenever I have time, I give this book a re-read, because the story is so well done, and the characters so relatable, that I couldn’t get sick of this book if I tried!

Ok, so I am honestly kicking myself for not having posted about this book before. It’s one of my very favorite books, and I will read it over and over. I hope I do this book justice with this review. And I hope you love it as much as I do.


Dana has been invited to appear on a reality show. The show, ironically enough, is called 24/7. The contestants are filmed at all times, and is set on an island. The trees even have cameras, so it’s impossible to go anywhere on the island without being on camera.

Dana is a last minute arrival to the group, but she refused to turn down the opportunity because of one thing: her daughter. The winner of this survivor-type reality show gets a million dollars and his or her heart’s desire. Dana’s desire is for her daughter to receive a very expensive surgery.

On Dana’s first day on the show, they meet in the voting room to receive the rules of the game. Suddenly the entire crew gets sick and drops dead. A voice comes out of the speakers…”I am Control.” Control tells the players that instead of voting along with America on who leaves the island, they will be voting on who dies.

Fortunately, all is not lost. Each player has a unique puzzle that, if solved, will give the player up to 5 stones that the player can use to negate up to 50% of the vote against him or her.

Dana is literally fighting for her own life in order to fight for her daughter’s.

My Thoughts on 24/7 by Jim Brown

The author tells this story in such a way that the reader is invested from the very beginning. The reader is given people to love, people to hate, and people to love to hate. Once I start reading this book, it’s almost impossible to put down until I have reached closure. Whether that closure is in the beginning, middle or end, I’ll leave up to you.


If you enjoy reality television, books that center around reality television, or simply books with unforgettable characters, you’ll adore 24/7 by Jim Brown. This amazing author hasn’t written many books, but the two I’ve read have been amazing, and I’m constantly checking for more books that he’s written. I haven’t found any, but it doesn’t stop me from looking!

I’m sold already! Take me to 24/7 by Jim Brown on Amazon!


Do you think you’ll read 24/7 by Jim Brown? Let me know in the comments below! I also want to know if you’ve read Jim’s other book, Black Valley, and what you thought! I’m going to be giving that one a re-read eventually, with a full review, so watch for it!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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