Lead Like a Woman by Deborah Smith Pegues [Book Review]

I love self-help books. I love any book that can teach me, in any small way, how to live my life better.

This book does that, in spades! Deborah is an African-American author who has written other self-help books, such as

I plan on owning all of them, especially if they are as good as this one.

I have to admit, I have been trying to expand my reading choices to more women of color. Not only is this author a woman of color, she’s achieved a lot in her life, so is gifted in a way I am not to help others. I love that 🙂

The Book

Author: Deborah Smith Pegues

Number of Pages: 224

Genre: Self-Help

Source: I received this book free from Netgalley, in return for an honest review.

Available: August 2020

Lead like a woman is a self-help book to encourage women to look at their natural gifts. Deborah tells us not to shy away from what makes us feminine in order to fit in male-dominated fields. She is uniquely qualified to write this book, as she has worked in the financial arena for years; both for corporations and large Christian ministries. Both these fields are typically male-dominated, but Deborah has found ways to thrive in this world. She shares her insights throughout the book, using advice and personal anecdotes to get her point across.

Favorite Quotes

When you hire a hand, it comes with a head and a heart attached. -Peter Drucker

Emotions motivate us. Sometimes wisely, sometimes unwisely. Even though emotions are our ever present companions, we must be careful to keep them out of the driver’s seat.

One of the most critical elements of being communicative is authenticity It’s important to just be yourself.

Another benefit of being communicative is that it minimizes misunderstandings. Clear and frequent communication keeps others in the loop on changes or new developments.

Don’t stifle your authentic self. If you are a singer, don’t try to imitate Whitney Houston. Find your voice and be uniquely you. You don’t have to write like other authors or speak like other speakers. It is your uniqueness that will draw others to you, not your mimicking of those you feel are better than you. Remember, you are the only person who can excel at being you.

What I liked

I really appreciated the personal anecdotes the author used to make her point. This showed me that she has lived what she’s teaching, and isn’t just trying to sell books. She believes what she advises, and the facts she brings up back up her advice.

The author uses every day language. She doesn’t try to sound more educated than she is. She writes in a way that makes it sound like she’s having a conversation. She is a Christian, and makes no bones about her beliefs. At the same time, a non-Christian could read the book and learn a lot from it.

What I didn’t like

I can’t think of anything I can say for certain that I didn’t like. This book was so good I want to hunt down her others and read them too. Any woman who is looking to move into a leadership position, or start her own company, or even just improve her day to day relationships at her job, should read this book. The book covers anything from resolving conflict to customer service.


I would recommend this author and this book to anyone. If you are looking for more leadership opportunities in your life and relationships, read this book. You won’t be sorry! The author is so conversational, and doesn’t write in a way that makes her sound “holier than thou.”

Have you read this book? What did you think? Have you read any of the author’s other books? Let me know in the comments if you know any of her other books I would like! Don’t forget to subscribe, so you never miss an update!

Until Next Time, Friends!

2 thoughts on “Lead Like a Woman by Deborah Smith Pegues [Book Review]

  1. Pamela, I am the author, Deborah Smith Pegues. I was holding my breath as I read your review. Writing this book was the biggest challenge ever. I struggled whether to reveal my ethnicity; so this is my “coming out of the closet”book after having written 17 books with over 2 million copies sold; my most popular book, 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue, has sold over a million copies. I believe this book is going to empower many women as they mull over the 12 traditional female traits that we should embrace and manage as well as the 12 habits and tendencies that we must let go. Thanks for your review.


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