Buddy Book Chat: Ask The Girl by Kim Bartosch [Podcast]

Welcome back, friends! Happy Halloween! I’m happy to bring a bonus episode to you today, along with my friend and fellow book reviewer, Cat Voleur. If you read and follow The Picky Bookworm, you’ll know Cat as the horror reviewer, so she was the perfect choice to chat about a spooky book for Halloween. Luckily, Cat let me choose the book, because her version of scary is way worse than mine, and I wanted to be able to read our book after dark. So, the book I chose was Ask The Girl, by Kim Bartosch. You can listen below, or head to your favorite podcast directory and listen on the go! Enjoy!

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Synopsis of Ask The Girl – From Amazon

The Haunting of Hill House meets The Lovely Bones in this evocative and mind-bending psychological thriller following three teen girls solving a treacherous murder.

Nobody believes sixteen-year-old Lila Sadler, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder that her sister is possessed by the ghost of Kate Watkins. As Rose’s health worsens each day, the only way to save her is to uncover the awful truth of Katy’s death so many years ago.

And nobody knows what happened to Katy on October 31, 1925. Not even Katy. Unaware that she was murdered, Katy has wandered for a hundred years in complete ignorance, until the day she meets Rose and Lila.

Together Lila, Rose, and Katy must confront their demons to escape. But in order to escape they must forgive the unforgivable.


Cat and I do both recommend Ask The Girl, but we have a couple caveats. We thought the story was a little rushed, and neither of us thought it was particularly scary. It was a ghost story, but for people who want to read something “spooky” without risking nightmares, Ask The Girl is the perfect choice. I did test the “read after dark” theory, and had no issues, so was able to read before bed with no problems. We both wished the author had fleshed out the characters a little bit more, but on the whole, we enjoyed the story and recommend that people read it at least once. It’s doubtful readers will read more than that, but it is worth reading that first time. If you’re interested in purchasing for you or a friend, hit the affiliate link below please and help support The Picky Bookworm 🙂 

Take me to Ask The Girl on Amazon!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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