Bunny, Cat, Deer, or Fox? Which Are You?

Recently, I was listening to a podcast episode (Amy Porterfield’s Online Marketing Made Easy, I think?) and came across an interview with Harley Jordan. She was talking about this crazy Instagram reel that grew her newsletter subscribers by some insane number in like a week, and it was absolutely insane!

Amy’s interview was from the perspective of marketing, obviously, because of her podcast, and she wanted to know how Harley grew her email list so quickly, but as I listened, I wanted to know more about the quiz that sparked the Instagram reel.

The quiz is called, “Are you a Bunny, a Cat, a Deer, or a Fox?” and you can find it on Harley’s website.

Spoiler: there is ABSOLUTELY no scientific basis for this quiz. Harley made it up on the fly. It is pure intuition. With that said, my result was “Deer,” and it made SO much sense! Here’s what it had to say:

You’re the friend to call when making a big decision. You are shockingly intuitive and ask the perfect quiestions. You might come off soft with your journal and big emotions, but you are a tough cookie who actively works through your shit.

Sometimes you can feel a little isolated with your low social battery, but I can guarantee, everyone around you gushes about the calm ease you effortlessly carry with you.

You are reflective and thoughtful. You make everyone feel seen and you are a natural empath. Share your musings and random stories of growth. No one can articulate growth like you. You emotional intelligence and how you navigate hardship is your natural strength. Your content leaves people thinking, “HOW DO I FIND THIS CLARITY AND CALM?”

How many of you who know me, think this sounds like me?

What this means for my Blog

I was actually thinking about this question this morning, and realized that there was a huge disconnect between a couple things. For example, you go and listen to my podcast (please, go listen to my podcast! it’s amazing!) and you will find many different guests, with many different subjects.

I’ve had so many people tell me I make them feel comfortable, calm, and included when they come on my podcast.

But, on the other hand, you come to my website, and what do you find? something totally different. I’m sorry, but it doesn’t even feel like the same person. That’s because, unfortunately, it wasn’t. My podcast was done by someone who just wanted to include everyone and have a good time talking about what interested her. My blog was written by someone who felt like she had to follow all the rules.

Ugh, rules.

In case you haven’t noticed, you’re getting a lot more “random posts,” rather than actual, structured book reviews. I was actually feeling burned out on trying to write book reviews, and trying to find keywords, and trying to solve everyone’s problems, like all the blogging gurus and business gurus told me I needed to do, so by finding my inner “deer,” and following my intuition, I think you’ll find a better community here, and a lot more calm. I’m still going to talk books (I actually have a series I want to talk about soon!), but my blog posts will probably have a lot  less structure, and will feel a lot more conversational, kind of like the podcast everyone loves.

I hope you like the new direction I’m taking this blog, so if you want more, and want to be notifiedof new blog posts, then subscribe! I have a spot in my sidebar where you can put in your email address. You can also subscribe to my LinkTree, where you’ll get notified every time I add a new link (that’s likely where I’ll add new podcast episodes).

Until Next Time, Friends!

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