Come As You Are, Come Home

When I was a kid, I went to a small church. I loved it there for several reasons. Things changed, unfortunately, and I eventually had to leave. That’s not why I mentioned the church, though, and I’m not looking for people to start bashing my faith. I had a very specific reason  for mentioning it. At that church, they used to sing a song that had a line that has always stuck with me.
Come as you are. Come home.
This line was meant to ask people to come to Jesus, with all their scars, sins, traumas, etc, but recently I’ve realized something else.
The same principle can apply to my community here.
Come as you are. Come home.
Here at The Picky Bookworm, everyone is welcome. I strive to keep this space safe and inclusive to everyone, regardless of identity, race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc. 
Come as you are. Come Home.
All I ask is that you be kind to others in the community. If you know someone who need their own safe space, please bring them along. The more, the merrier.
All feelings are valid here.
All identities are valid here.
All personhoods are valid here.
You are valid.
You are important.
You are amazing.
So, stick around a while, have a cup of tea or a glass of wine, and leave a comment about how you found this friendly little corner of the interwebs.
Until Next Time, Friends!

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