Comeback by Chris Limb [Blog Tour]

Emma at Damp Pebbles blog tours sent me a free copy of Comeback by Chris Limb, as part of the blog tour before the book releases. This book review is an honest review, in return for a copy of the book. All opinions are my own.

Genie has everything – a BRIT award, a singing career, the attention of the press and Oliver Fox, a pretty boy who looks good on her arm.

Until he dies. His death brings Genie’s long buried feelings bubbling to the surface. Her grief over the death of her lover Wendi who introduced her to this world. Her self doubt and fear that she will be exposed as a fraud.

How far is she prepared to go to fix things?

The afterlife isn’t the most comfortable of places for anyone who’s still alive, but Genie’s not going to take any crap from the dead – she’s got years of experience in the music business.

Sometimes going to Hell and back takes a lifetime…

Genie is a pop star. For some reason, though, she doesn’t feel like she fits in the world of pop, and misses her friend Wendi.

When we meet Genie, she’s standing by a railing, contemplating her jump to the ground. She starts to think back to how she got to that point, and that is where the story picks up.

This book is told in two timelines: Flashback, and No Time. No Time is during the period that Genie is in the Underworld, which is cool in an of itself.

I love Chris’s descriptions of places in the Underworld, especially the Labyrinth. Each flashback that Genie has is about her life before going to the Underworld. So eventually, I know I’ll have the full story of what happened.

I do hope Genie finds what she needs in the Underworld, because she is a relatable character. She’s damaged in some ways, but has an inner strength that I love to see in damaged characters.

I will admit, I wasn’t totally sure about this book when I started reading it. Emma sent me the book a couple months ago, so by the time I started it, I had completely forgotten what the book was supposed to be about.

My reading habits tend toward the blank slate, though, so not knowing a thing about a book when I start it is the perfect way to get me hooked.

This is the same reason I hate watching trailers and previews for movies. I don’t like having any preconceived notions about my entertainment.

Once I started reading, though, I was addicted. I had a hard time putting the book down, even when my husband wanted me to watch tv with him. I admit, I snuck some reading in anyway 🙂

Comeback was the perfect book for my lack of preconceived notions. When I met Genie, I had no idea of any of her damage, or any of her vices, or anything of what makes her “Genie.”

I got to discover all of this as I read the book, so I had the illusion of “not knowing.” When my husband and I are watching a television show or a movie, and he tells me something isn’t scientifically possible, I tell him the same thing,

“I like the illusion that it’s possible. I like the illusion of not knowing what’s going to happen.”

I haven’t finished this book yet, which is completely my bad. I knew my stop on the tour was the 16, but also had in my head that it was due Wednesday, so got completely turned around.

When I got my reminder email from Emma, I knew that even if I hadn’t finished the book, I had enough of my opinions of the book figured out that I could write my post, and tell you what an amazing book this is.

And hey, since I haven’t finished it, you don’t have to worry about spoilers! I highly recommend this book, and I really don’t think my opinion will change much in the next couple of days. I may come back and update a couple of my thoughts, but this is the bottom line:

This book is really good, and you should buy it. Follow any of the links below.

About The Author

Chris is a writer based in UK, who has had a number of short stories published over the past few years, blogs on a regular basis and occasionally reviews books and audios for the British Fantasy Society.

He wrote a short pop memoir which was published in 2011 and went down well with its core-audience. It continues to sell at a steady rate to this day.

Chris also plays bass guitar and performs random acts of web and graphic design for a diverse selection of clients.

Where’s Chris?

Purchase Links

If you enjoyed this stop on the Damp Pebbles Blog Tour, please see the other stops below, or contact Emma to join your own blog tour! I enjoyed writing this review, and if you enjoyed reading it, please share on your favorite social media.

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Until Next Time, Friends!

3 thoughts on “Comeback by Chris Limb [Blog Tour]

  1. Great review! I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only blogger losing my sense of time, and having to hustle to write my review. Comeback is definitely a great book, and I’m glad you also enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you! I’m gonna go read the other reviews soon, because I’m interested in what everyone had to say. I hope the book gets good reviews across the board. That would be awesome!

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