Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney [Book Review]

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney was kind of a weird book for me. I don’t usually do romance of any kind, so for me to choose this book was an unusual choice. Luckily, Conversations with Friends is less a romance, than it is a story about friendship, and what people will do when that friendship is threatened.


Frances and Bobbi, two women who have been friends for a very long time, and at one time were even lovers, spend their time working their respective jobs, and in their free time performing spoken word poetry at various locations throughout Dublin, Ireland.

It’s through these spoken word performances that they meet Melissa, a photographer who wants to photograph them and write a profile piece on them. Bobbi is immediately entranced with Melissa and even tells Frances later, “I think I’m in love with her.”

Frances is more curious about, than enamoured with Melissa. She’s a famous photographer, and she’s married to a famous actor, Nick.

We can tell that Frances doesn’t really want to be impressed with Melissa and her husband, but still enjoys the perks that working with her, and later being friends with her, affords.

At a dinner party one night, Frances has a conversation with Nick that leads us to believe she has a crush on him.

Frances is the narrator of this book, and the reader sees everything from her point of view, so it’s pretty clear that Frances is lying to herself about her crush on a married man.

They eventually start an affair, but they both are afraid of admitting any sort of feelings, so the writing becomes sort of stilted at this point.

My Thoughts



I relate with Frances on a couple levels, because it seems clear to me that Frances suffers from a sort of social anxiety. She even states at one point, “I could think of nothing to say that wouldn’t make me feel unwelcome.”

This tells me that she wants to be herself but is afraid to do so because she’s scared people won’t like the real her. She’s not even sure who the real her is.

She spends so much time being who she thinks people want to see that she has lost herself in the process. I’ve felt that way sometimes too.


Bobbi is an interesting character. I got the feeling that even though they’re “just roommates,” Bobbi is still in love with Frances, and she’s jealous because she feels like Melissa and Nick are stealing Frances away.

I couldn’t really relate to this part of the characterization, because I’ve always felt like people are in our lives for a reason, and when that time is over, if those people leave, then it was “just time.”

Sally Rooney is really good at writing relatable characters. This feeling of relatability with the main character is what has kept me from putting this book down and not picking it up again.

Do I recommend this book? Conditionally. I recommend that you try to read it, because the plot is unique and well-told, but if you find yourself not enjoying it, don’t be sad if you can’t finish it.

Writing Style

The author uses very concise words, and wastes no flowery language in this book, but that almost makes it feel like a report. “So and so did this. I said that. I did this.” It’s very straightforward.

I’m not used to that really in books I read, so it’s taking a bit of getting used to.

I think the trope, “girl falls for married guy and has an affair,” is overused but this author puts a spin on it that is different from other books I’ve read.

I did have a problem with the lack of quotation marks in Conversations with Friends. I have a feeling this is just how the author writes, but it was hard to get used to.

It actually turned me off from wanting to read the rest of her books. I have grown, maybe not to love this book, but to at least respect it.

I probably will choose to never read anything by this author, because it was so difficult to get used to the way she writes, but I appreciate her particular brand of storytelling.


My recommendation is conditional. I recommend that you at least give Conversations with Friends a chance, because it is a unique story, but at the same time, don’t feel bad if you can’t finish this book, or read any other Sally Rooney books.

I think my personal idiosyncrasies are what affected my enjoyment of this book, rather than the actual content. I’m willing to admit my own bias, because not every book is for every person.


Ok, so now that you know my feelings about this book, do you think you’ll read Conversations with Friends? Have you read any other Sally Rooney books? If so, let me know in the comments! I’d love to know your thoughts, and if you have any other book recommendations by this author.

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Until Next Time, Friends!

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