Girl, Stop Apologizing! by Rachel Hollis [Book Review]

OMG, this book, y’all! I’m a huge fan of self-care, personal development, and anything else that gives me tools to live my best life. I kept seeing this book online and everywhere, so when it showed up in my “recommended” list on Prime Reading, I just had to check it out!

I just can’t even, you guys. Rachel is so down to earth, and so real and so authentic! And she’s an OKIE!! I really think that in another life we would have been best friends. She’s so blunt about what she says, but she says it in such a loving way that it would be impossible to take offense.

About the Book

This book is Rachel’s 5th book, 2nd non-fiction. She comes across as someone who REALLY wants ladies to be their best, and live their best. All the excuses we have for giving up, or not starting something we really want to do, she has an answer for. It’s an answer given in love, but that love is real, and it comes across the pages like a living being.

One of my favorite lines from the book is this: “I love Jesus, but I cuss a little.” When I read that, I was thinking “Girl, you and me…”

I have so many goals I want to achieve, and I have used so many of the excuses she talks about. But this book gave me the right to say “I want to achieve this goal, and your opinion on my goal doesn’t matter.”

No more will I say “I have a little book blog.” I love this blog. This is what I think about while I’m working for my current paycheck. I think about what books I want to read and review, fun bookish posts I can write, and other things. I love my blog, and I want to make a living from it someday.

I have made excuses for myself in the past.

“No one will want to read what I have to say.”

“I’m not a salesperson. Marketing really isn’t my thing. I won’t do well at Etsy.”

“I don’t have time to give my blog the attention it needs.”

All these excuses are something related to an excuse that Rachel debunks in her book. I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but so far I’m really enjoying it. Excuses aren’t anything but my own fear keeping me from what I really want to do.

But No More.

I will read this book as many times as it takes to remind myself that I am capable of and what I can do with my life. If having my blog, and eventually making it my job, is what makes me happy, I have no reason to apologize for that.

This book has been amazing, and life changing. I love self-help books, and I love personal development. This book fits both those categories in spades, and will definitely find its way into my permanent collection.

Do you have a goal you want to achieve? Have you used different excuses to keep yourself from getting to it? I really suggest that you get this book and read it. Rachel Hollis is so inspiring and I could tell she really believes what she says. So much of the book makes sense, and so much of it is actually doable. She doesn’t suggest anything in the book that she hasn’t done herself. She gives example after example of how she does what she advises.

My favorite Quotes

“If Not now, When?”

“The truth is, it doesn’t matter what they think of you. It matters what You think of you.”

“Someone else’s opinion only holds power if you allow it to.”

“You aren’t going to find the time to pursue your goals; you’re going to make the time to pursue your goals.”

“Doubt will kill more dreams than failure ever will. But belief in yourself will give you the strength to get back up again and again.”


I loved this book so much! I will probably re-read it again in a couple months, and in the meantime I will be including some of her advice in my daily life. I have so much I want to accomplish, and this book has given me some tools to accomplish my dreams. Let me know in the comments what you think, and be sure to let me know if you’ve read this book! I’d love to hear what you think!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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