How To Find Books For Review

I’m still pretty new to the book blog world, so one of my biggest questions has been how to choose the books that I write about? I’ve listed the places I find books below. Some of them you know about, I’m sure, but maybe some you don’t. Hope these give you some inspiration for finding your own books to review!

Have fun!

The Library

I love the library. I always have. Ever since I was 5 and got my first library card, the library has been a huge part of my life. I don’t always pick up the perfect book, but every once in a while I will find one that I love and want to talk about.

Amazon Prime

Oh, bless you Amazon Prime! My husband and I got Amazon Prime a while back because we saw a couple shows we wanted to watch. While those shows are really fun, you know the best part? I found a whole new library of books on Prime Reading I could download on my kindle!! That’s where I found “Girl, Stop Apologizing” and several others. I love finding new books, and Prime has helped so much!

My Personal Collection

I have tons of books on my shelves. I find them at library sales, half priced bookstores and tons of other places. I have the hardest time staying away from a really good book sale. I even buy books at the dollar tree. I definitely see books on every point of the “good” spectrum, but even the “not so great” ones were only a dollar, so it’s ok.


Ever since I joined the indie book community on Twitter, I’ve found SO MANY amazing books! I also get to talk to the authors, and tell them when I love their books. I’ve also met so many amazing people, and have found an amazing extended family. If you love reading unique books, you should totally check out the Twitter #writingcommunity. Tell them Picky sent you ๐Ÿ™‚

The Bookstore

We don’t have as many book stores in Tulsa as I would like, but we have a few. Barnes and Noble is a favorite, as well as a cute little shop by my house called The Frugal Bookworm. I don’t make it in there as much as I would like, but I love it there nonetheless. Barnes & Noble usually gets my birthday money every year. Asking for a gift card there is one of the ways to make it easiest on my gift buying family.

Update: The Frugal Bookworm burned down. It was next door to a restaurant, and it couldn’t be helped.


I can’t tell you how many books I’ve found to read because of “#bookstagram. I follow so many different bookworms, it’s really not funny. I may be a picky bookworm, but so many books in the world, and so little time! I find so much inspiration on Instagram. In case you would like to follow them, my favorite tags are #booknerd and #bookcommunity.


Pinterest has helped this Picky Bookworm find sets of books. I find “books that will make you scared of the dark” and “books for spring” which is really fun! I can find almost anything bookish on Pinterest, including homemade and DIY bookmarks.

How about you? Where do you find your books? Do you have some favorite bookstores in your town? I’d love to hear about them! Leave me a comment below with a link to one of your favorite book reviews, and let me know where you got the book!

While you’re here, please subscribe! You’ll get a weekly notification of new posts, and I never spam. Promise!

Until Next Time, Friends!

6 thoughts on “How To Find Books For Review

  1. Oh, I love a good book sale, or just randomly finding books like at the dollar store! I definitely have a large collection of books already, so I’m trying to read more of those. The library is fantastic though. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Book sales at the library are my weakness. Iโ€™ve been known to schedule my trips home to see my parents around their awesome libraryโ€™s book sales ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. My local library has a sale every year, and I schedule when I’m gonna go. Its wonderful! Ours this year is in April, and I’m so excited!

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