It All Started with A Cookbook [Guest Post]

It all started with a cookbook I gave to my sister for Hanukkah.  Three years after that fateful holiday gift, she let the cat out of the bag: “You know, Lynnie. I didn’t know if I should tell you, but there’s an inscription in that book you gave me.” I had to see for myself. I opened the cookbook to the offending page: 

To Lynn and Bob:


Julie and Dave

We still laugh at that story, but I have to tell you, after that event, we started intentionally regifting for Hanukkah with my sister, brother-in-law, and two old friends.

We do it because it’s a little bit tacky.

We do it because it’s environmentally smart, fiscally responsible, but mostly we do it because it’s so much fun. Regifting has become a contest as we try to outdo each other with the tackiest regifts.

The uglier the socks the better.

The most botched baked goods, the loudest ties, the inscribed pen sets, the gently used candlesticks, the corniest signs about friendship, the chipped plates and the fruitcakes. 

Last year our friends Ed and Denise regifted us two ceramic poodles which turned out to be the best regift ever.  My husband and I took those ceramic poodles with us on various adventures throughout the year: hiking in the woods, to the supermarket, to the carwash.

Wherever we went we took photographs to send to our friends.

Photos of the poodles watching reruns of Law and Order. Photos of the poodles eating our leftovers. We even held a funeral for one of the poodles who accidentally fell out of my husband’s backpack and broke into a million pieces.  

This year, our friends gave us a “real” Hanukkah present: They made a calendar from the ceramic poodle photographs we sent them throughout the year.  Regifting has become a treasured holiday tradition that brings us joy, laughter, and good times. And isn’t that what gifting should be about?

Happy Holidays!


Julie and Dave

Check out Lynn Katz’s webpage

Her debut novel, The Surrogate, is a domestic thriller about a disturbed teenage boy and the English teacher who tries to help him. 

Thanks for reading this guest post! I hope you head over to meet Lynn, and wish her a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!

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Until next time, Friends!

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Pamela has been a reader her whole life. She specializes in indie and self-published books, and dreams of a community where authors can feel supported and encouraged. Because of this, her editing services are priced specifically with self-published author budgets in mind.

She also loves connecting other readers with hidden gems from the indie community through book reviews and showcases authors through her podcast and “Meet the Author” blog series. Her book-inspired gift shop is an amazing place to find book inspired candles, book gift sets, and other amazing items.

When Pamela is not working on The Picky Bookworm, you can find her hanging with her friends on Twitter, pinning amazing pins on Pinterest, reading, spending time with her husband, or playing with her cats Simon and Glenn. Sometimes all at the same time.

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