Kerwall Town by S.D. Reed [Book Review]

When Seb approached me on Twitter about reviewing a book for him, I jumped at the chance. He’s become a very good friend of mine through the past months, so I knew I had to read Kerwall Town when it released. I was extra thrilled when Seb himself offered to send me an autographed copy! I finally got to read it at the end of December, so without further ado, here’s my review!


Synopsis of Kerwall Town

Kerwall Town has existed as long as anyone can remember, but no one seems to realize it exists. The townspeople, however, like it that way. They are able to support the town through trading with other villages, and just keep to themselves.

When two visitors arrive and inform everyone that they are the new mayors, not everyone is on board. The newcomers are going to make Kerwall popular again, and bring it into the mainstream. Some of the villagers don’t see the positive, and suspect the strangers aren’t who they say they are.

On top of everything else, there are forces working against everyone in Kerwall. Some think….the town is alive.

My Thoughts on Kerwall Town

First of all, I loved the Stephen King feels this book gave me. It wasn’t overly scary, which I also appreciated. I don’t read a lot of horror stories, but I love vampires, and find new mythologies around Vampires fascinating. So of course I loved this story. It has a new mythology around the vampires that merges some of the old, and brings in a little new. I like that.

One of my favorite things about this book is that it’s an easy read. I think I finished it in about 3 days, not reading constantly. It also gives the impression that while it’s a standalone book, the author can approach the town again later and create a sequel. I love those types of books.

My Favorite Kerwall Town Quote

“I like my demons. They keep me company.”

I did notice some proofreading issues, but when I spoke to the author about them, he said he was already in the process of having them corrected, so by the time you purchase the book, it should have very few issues.

I absolutely loved the diversity of the characters. Seb brought out the small town vibe perfectly! Each character brought their own unique perspective to the town, and to the story. This was one of my favorite parts of the entire book, were all the disparate characters. My favorite was Dotty, one of the original townspeople that I met during my trip to Kerwall Town.

My review of this book isn’t very long, but the book isn’t very long, and I really don’t want to give you any spoilers. I do recommend that you purchase this book, especially if you like vampire books. Have you already read it? Let me know what you thought in the comments! Come find me on Twitter too, so we can keep in touch! You can find SD Reed on Twitter too! 

Until Next Time, Friends!

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