Libraries, Hiccups, and Strangers

I’ve probably told this story many, many times throughout my life, but somehow it never gets old. It has to do with libraries, childhood and those pesky diaphragm spasms… what are they called again? Oh yeah… hiccups.

When I was a kid, probably 10 or 11, you know the age where everything is embarrassing, and the smallest thing can send you running to hide under the nearest rock?

Yeah. You know. 

Ok, so I was that age, and since my mom homeschooled my sister and me, she made sure we had access to as much educational material as she could. Now, I was born in 1981, which puts me square in the “Elder Millenial” age bracket, so yeah, respect your elder, or I’ll bring out the talks of rotary phones, Dewey Decimals, and the music of my people (i.e. the dulcet tones of dial-up internet). My point is, in the 80’s and 90’s, there wasn’t much to offer the home schooling parent. We didn’t have the co-op groups, or the home-schooling groups, or anything like that. I had to wait til my friends got out of school to go play, and all my other friends I only saw in church.

Needless to say, I had plenty of time to myself. 

So, I read. I joined the worlds of people on adventures I wasn’t having. I devoured everything I could find. And by the time I was in 6th grade, I was reading at a college level. Don’t tell me reading doesn’t make you smarter.

Anyway, back to my mom. I love my mom. She did her absolute best for us, and I will be forever grateful for the education she gave us. See, despite my having undiagnosed and untreated ADHD, by the time I joined the school system my freshman year of high school, I had learned tricks and tips, along with a love of learning that fared me extremely well during those four years. I honestly believe I wouldn’t have done as well without my mom’s individual attention to my education.

Ok, seriously, back to the point. One of the things my mom did was take my sister and me to the library. Minimum every 2 weeks. Sometimes more often, depending on when we finished the books we checked out. 

In my city, we have a huge downtown library, called Central Library. It’s central for a reason, because it’s the main branch. This library sits across from our courthouse, near the central bus station, and close to the main conference center. It’s Central. And its huge. Did I mention huge?

As such a ginormous library, the entrance has a beautiful, open space that leads to a staircase to the upper floors. This means high ceilings.

Now, do you remember what I said about being 11? And Hiccups? Yeah. I hiccupped LOUD in that place. Every eye turned in my direction, and I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. 

But you know what? I still love that library, and my funny hiccup story is something I get to tell people everytime I show off that gorgeous building. 

So next time you’re in Tulsa, come see me, and I’ll show you the hiccup palace. It’s totally worth it.

Did you enjoy this story? I hope you did! If so, share with your friends! Remember me next time something embarrasing happens to you, and if you want, come back and share! We’re all friends here in this small corner of the internet, so no judgement. We might laugh along with your embarrasment, but we will never mock or make fun of you. Promise.

And please, share with your friends! Invite them to join us over here! The more, the merrier!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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