Welcome back, friends! I’m here with another meet the author post. If this is your first time visiting, I’m so glad to meet you, and I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Pamela, and I love to showcase indie authors and books, through book reviews and podcasting. This post is one of a series I have on The Picky Bookworm, and if you enjoy it, you can read all the rest of them here.

Micah has been a friend of mine on Twitter for quite a while, and he adores participating in the discussion forum, so if you enjoy this chat with him, I encourage you to head over there and check out his posts. In the meantime, meet Author Micah Kolding!

What is your name?

Micah Kolding

When did you start writing? Why?

Hard to say, but the earliest surviving story I had is a surreal Mickey Mouse adventure that I dictated to my dad when I was four. I just always enjoyed making up stories.

Do you have a published book? What’s it called?

I have a few self-published experiments, the latest of which is called Through the Plot Hole.

What comes naturally to you as a writer? What is your biggest struggle?

Through the Plot Hole was a problematic book to query. Though I sent it to agents, I eventually had to accept that nobody wanted to represent a novel of 53k words. I still believed in the story, though, as it had resonnated strongly with the cast and audience when it was a stage play, so I took a chance on self-pubication.

Is it your dream to write full time? Why or why not?

Yes; if my novels were my full-time job, people would have to politely listen to me talk about them when they have the audacity to ask how work is going.

What genre do you write in? Why did you choose this genre?

Anything that goes outside of the limits of reality. Never really saw much point in fiction that could happen in the real world.

What kind of books do you like to read? What is your favorite genre?

I like grabbing something unknown, something that has probably never received much attention. It requires suppressing my ability to learn from past mistakes, but I’ve read a lot of interesting, off-the-wall material with this approach.

Recommend 3 books that have been an inspiration to you?

Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera is maybe the most amazing epic I ever read, and has had a lasting effect on my sense of the kind of insane scope a story can have.

Stephen King on Writing; I was introduced to this one in high school, and still have my copy.

The Salmon of Doubt; this is a collection of writing by Douglas Adams, including an unfinished manuscript. This guy really taught me that the funniest people in the room are generally the brighest.

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Aside from books, what inspires you on a daily basis?

First, my wife; she’s an immigrant from Burkina Faso, one of fifteen daughters and two sons, with a history that is at times literally unbelievable. She is also the best person I’ve ever met; she’s unquenchably happy, and makes the world a better place everywhere she goes.

Also, the natural world that surrounds my house. When I want to be amazed by something, I can just go outside, pick the woods or the sea, and wait until something impressive happens. 

What are your favorite writing tools?

Notebooks and pencils; I’m very character-focused, so I always have to draw the cast before I can make much headway writing. If I can’t do at least five pages of concept art, I know that the story isn’t going anywhere.

What is something you wish everyone knew about you?

I get semi-irrationally irked by being told that I “couldn’t possibly imagine” something.

Where can people find you?

  • talesfromtheplothole.com
  • @micahkolding

Did you enjoy this post? Do you want to participate in my Meet the Author series? You can head over here and fill out the form. I recently updated the questions, so they should be really fun to answer! And if you have an author friend who you think would have fun with this series, please share with them, and leave a comment below with their name so I can watch out for their submission.

Check out My other Meet The Author Posts

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Until Next Time, Friends!

Pamela has been a reader her whole life. She specializes in indie and self-published books, and dreams of a community where authors can feel supported and encouraged. Because of this, her editing services are priced specifically with self-published author budgets in mind.

She also loves connecting other readers with hidden gems from the indie community through book reviews and showcases authors through her podcast and “Meet the Author” blog series. Her book-inspired gift shop is an amazing place to find book inspired candles, book gift sets, and other amazing items.

When Pamela is not working on The Picky Bookworm, you can find her hanging with her friends on Twitter, pinning amazing pins on Pinterest, reading, spending time with her husband, or playing with her cats Simon and Glenn. Sometimes all at the same time.

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