Welcome back to another part in my Meet The Author blog series! My dream for The Picky Bookworm is to create a community for authors to feel seen, encouraged, and supported. As part of the community, authors have a chance to answer a few questions, and let their fellow authors and readers get to know them a little better. This newest post is from Eva Seyler, an author I know from Twitter. I am super excited to be able to bring this blog series to you, so enjoy getting to know Eva a little better!
When did you start writing? Why?
I’ve been writing on and off since I was eight or so! I completed my first novel at 16 (it was a melodramatic trash fire, trust me, I still have it and oh boy was it ever). I completed another novel in 2008, then set aside writing until 2016 when I took it up again and haven’t stopped since!
I did query! TWIOH was originally released through a small press, but after a while I got my rights back and re-released it on my own. I queried TGW into the ground, and that was the most heartbreaking for me because I love it fiercely and am sad I could find nobody else who believed in it as much as I did. I also queried TSIFH, got an agent, lost the agent… so for now I’m just sticking to self-publishing, although I do plan to query two coming down the pipeline. If there are no takers, I’ll just self-pub those too.

Is it your dream to write full-time? Why or Why not?

I already do, heh. I don’t have a day job outside of being a stay-at-home mom, and my kids aren’t tiny anymore so it’s working out okay.

What genre do you write in? Why did you choose this genre?

I write historical fiction because I love history. I absolutely adore historical nonfiction and what I learn from it definitely feeds into my writing to varying degrees. Also, I don’t really love a lot of the existent adult HF so I write what I want to read!

What kinds of books do you like to read?

Historical nonfiction is a favourite. I also like a good mystery novel. I like true crime. I love kids’ books (contemporary and historical). Honestly the only things I really don’t read much are horror/paranormal/fantasy.

Recommend 3 books that have been an inspiration to you

  • Salt to the Sea (Ruta Sepetys)
  • The Alice Network (Kate Quinn)
  • Rose Under Fire (Elizabeth Wein)

Besides books, what inspires you on a daily basis?

My cats inspire lots of funny noises.

What are your favorite writing tools? Why?

I use Google Docs and a keyboard mostly, although sometimes I do handwrite, depending on what phase of the creation process I’m in.

What is something you wish everyone knew about you?

How much I want to talk with them and yet am hampered by my slow processing times! I wish I could have more offline friends who were willing to have long chats via texting or email instead.

Where can people find you? Please include all relevant social media, and a website if you have one. No website, but you have a newsletter? We wanna know!

I’m on Twitter most, but there are lots of other places you can find me, too.

Visit Eva’s Linktree


I hope you enjoyed getting to know Eva a little better! I’m so glad to have her in the Picky Bookworm family, and look forward to interacting with her more.
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Until Next Time, Friends!

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Pamela has been a reader her whole life. She specializes in indie and self-published books, and dreams of a community where authors can feel supported and encouraged. Because of this, her editing services are priced specifically with self-published author budgets in mind.

She also loves connecting other readers with hidden gems from the indie community through book reviews and showcases authors through her podcast and “Meet the Author” blog series. Her book-inspired gift shop is an amazing place to find book inspired candles, book gift sets, and other amazing items.

When Pamela is not working on The Picky Bookworm, you can find her hanging with her friends on Twitter, pinning amazing pins on Pinterest, reading, spending time with her husband, or playing with her cats Simon and Glenn. Sometimes all at the same time.

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