Daniel Jones

Hello friends! Welcome back to The Picky Bookworm podcast! I have Daniel Jones on the show today, and he’s so much fun to chat with! He tells a lot about his inspiration for his book, Hydra’s Wake, and he even gets to talk about marketing tips for authors, as well as how to form a kickstarter campaign.

This episode is chock full of information, so I hope you enjoy!

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Transcript will be available as soon as possible. Stay Tuned!

Daniel’s Books

Daniel has worked tirelessly to bring the “creature feature” genre back to literature. Using inspiration such as Frankenstein’s monster and Dracula, he hopes to entertain readers through his storytelling and use of mythological creatures. His love for the Hydra stems from the fact that Hydra’s aren’t used much in either movies or books, so he wanted to bring something original to the genre.

Check out my review of Hydra’s Wake

Hang out with Daniel

Daniel is all over the web, so if you are on social media, you should give him a follow!




Hive Social


Hydra’s Wake website

Hydra Tower website