Everlong Gift Set


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Everlong is the debut novel by R. Raeta, and is an absolutely gorgeous paranormal romance. When I decided to offer book gift sets, I knew I wanted to offer one for this book. Not only is the book itself beautiful, but the candle and bookmark both smell amazing. When you purchase the Everlong Gift Set, you are supporting an amazing self-published author, as well as two small businesses. Each item, besides the candle, are purchased at retail price, so every collaborator in this gift set is supported as much as possible. The candle is made by me, The Picky Bookworm, and is the only item I receive even a small profit from.

The Gift Set Contains

  • A paperback copy of Everlong or a Kindle e-book
  • A scented candle, Love Spell, created by The Picky Bookworm
  • A scented bookmark, Blackberry Chamomile, created by Acorn Tops on Etsy
  • A surprise chocolate bar (not pictured)

The Candle

  • 6 ounces in a black tin
  • Wax is Soy and Beeswax
  • Single Cotton Wick
  • Useful for Entryway, Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, or Living Room
  • Scent is Love Spell, which is a floral and sweet scent, which is not overpowering, but creates a gorgeous mixture that not only complements the book’s vibe but has a scent that creates its own ambiance. 

Many other shops may offer book inspired candles, but since The Picky Bookworm specializes in self-published and indie books, these candles are truly one of a kind. I work hard to make sure each scent offers an immersive experience with the book and inspires positive memories. 

The Bookmark

Ellie with Acorn Tops on Etsy is who I chose to collaborate with for the book gift sets, because her bookmarks are of amazing quality, as well as scented perfectly to match the ambiance of the book, and to complement the scent of the candle. The scent we chose for the Everlong gift set is Blackberry Chamomile and is the perfect addition to the book set.

You can visit Acorn Tops here and check out the other items Ellie offers.

The Book

Like I said above, Everlong is a gorgeous paranormal romance, with amazing storytelling and beautiful prose. Each gift set contains a paperback copy, with a signed book plate inside. If you choose the Kindle version instead, you will receive a code for the book, and a signed book plate.

Read the blurb for Everlong below, copied from Amazon.

Lily doesn’t remember her death, or even her reawakening, but she knows this: the sun is to be feared, words are her salvation, and—above all—the bench facing the playground is hers. She is the pin holding the hands of the clock, watching the world move and change around her while she remains fixed, lonely, and unchanged… until a boy takes a seat beside her.

A story about love, loss, and what it means to live forever.

I want just the Book (click here)

I want just the Candle (click here)

I want just the Bookmark (request only)

Additional information

Weight 10 oz
Dimensions 4 × 4 × 4 in
Book Type

Kindle, Paperback


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