Random Thoughts on “People Who Menstruate”

I recently took a quiz on Harley Jordan’s website, and it was really interesting. It was a “silly” quiz, but it was more insightful than I would have originally thought. The quiz is called “Are you a bunny, deer, cat, or fox?” and you can find it here. My result was “deer,” and when I was telling my friend Gabe about it, he went and took it and got the same result. Neither of us were very surprised to be so similar, yet again. We are both twos on the Enneagram, and we connected as best friends on Twitter almost from day one.

But I digress…

Part of what the advice given to those of us who got the “deer” result was to not worry so much about the “rules” about blogging, and to instead focus on what we do best. Not to worry so much about blogging on a “schedule,” and instead focus on WHAT we’re writing. I connected with both of those things so much, because both of those things are what I’ve struggled with the most. I’ve struggled with SEO, and I’ve struggled to stay consistent and on a schedule. Trying to figure out what keywords to use, and what topics to write about when I just really didn’t give a shit about any of the topics I found was soul-sucking. So, when I felt like I was given permission to have more freedom in what I wrote about, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. So, if you keep reading, you’ll get to read about something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but because it didn’t fit with my “niche,” I didn’t feel like I could say anything.

Now, some of you might get up in arms about this, but please bear with me. I do have a point. It’s just the person I’m about to bring up isn’t everyone’s favorite, for a very good reason.

J.K. Rowling.

Now, I happen to dislike her books. I’ve never liked them. I thought they were boring, and have never thought she was a good author. 

I do like the HP movies, though, and really enjoy Daniel, Emma, and Rupert as actors. Unfortunately, their acting is overshadowed by the comments J.K. has made toward people in the trans community, and it breaks my heart. I haven’t been able to watch the movies since finding out about her behavior toward a community I love so much, because while I love the movies, I can’t bring myself to support someone who could be so hateful.

I think it was the first thing she said, though, that I find the funniest and most illogical. Someone made a post online about “people who menstruate,” and, in an attempt to be “funny?” she commented with, “What are they called?” and proceeded to butcher the word, “woman.” 

Now, let’s look at this logically. If menstruation is all it takes to be called a woman, then pregnant people aren’t women, people on the depo shot aren’t women, and people who have gone through menopause aren’t women (including, I suspect, J.K. herself).

This would also include my friend, we’ll call her Ginger, who has health problems and hasn’t had a period in 3 years.

My Theory on J.K.’s Comments

I don’t believe what J.K. has said has been anything but strategic. I think she’s starting to realize her most famous books are growing old, and the actors from the movies are distancing themselves from her, and she needs some other way to stay in the public eye. What other way to stay in the world’s ears and eyes than become infamous? She’s getting people to talk about her, because she’s attacking the one thing we all care about: individual freedom. We are all free to be who we want to be, and who we were born to be, and she’s supposedly taking issue with that.

In my opinion, everything she’s doing is on purpose. Every word she’s used is designed to incite something. A conversation, an argument, or an article (unfortunately, like this one). But, what if we all stopped talking? What if we all just ignored her? Do you think she would go away?

Maybe not, but I’d feel a lot better and would probably have a lot fewer random thoughts about why we use the term “people who menstruate.”

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Until Next Time, Friends!

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