Self Care Ideas: Date With A Loved One

Today, I’m starting a new series here on the blog. Every Saturday, I’m going to be discussing various things that I do, or that you can do, for Self-Care. I find these times super important, because I run 2 businesses on top of my day job, so I’m super busy almost all the time. Even when my husband and I are hanging out at home, I’m usually either crocheting for my Etsy shop, or planning a blog post, or proofreading. I’m rarely just sitting there doing nothing. So, I am using our experience today as the subject for something that’s near and dear to my heart.

Today’s post? A Date with a Loved One.

My husband and I just celebrated our 3-year wedding anniversary on the 20th of this month, but we weren’t able to go out until today. It got me thinking, about how spending time with him, outside of our home’s four walls, is just as important for my mental and emotional well-being as just being with him at home.

Yes, we always have a good time together, but sometimes it’s important to leave the house.

No, lockdowns and COVID haven’t made that easy.

So, What did We do?

We have to be careful about where we go, or how long we stay there. Today, we went to our favorite restaurant, HuHot, and had a wonderful, super yummy lunch. We were planning on also going to play pool and go to a movie, but instead we opted to rent a movie and hang out at home. We rented “Old,” and “Kingsman: The Golden Circle.” Both are amazing movies.

“Old” is an M. Night Shayamalan movie, which I love. He’s one of the best screenwriters and directors I think I’ve ever seen. This movie is no different, so if you have a chance to see it, definitely do so. Kingsman is, of course, a movie we’ve seen multiple times, and I never get tired of it. My favorite scene from Golden Circle is below:

The point of this post isn’t just to talk about what my husband and I did on our date, but to let you know that a date doesn’t have to be anything specific, or even anything super expensive. We rented our movies from Redbox, but if you want to choose something from your streaming service, and go for a “free” date night, that’s fine too. The point to a date is to connect with your significant other, and spend some time away from technology.

Yes, my husband and I turned our phones off.

Why is this considered Self-Care?

Self-care is anything that helps your physical, mental, or emotional well-being. For some people, this is spending time alone, meditating or reading, and for others, it means a night out on the town with the girls. For my husband and me, it usually means good food, and good entertainment. The point is, we’re doing it together, and connecting away from our phones and away from social media.

What Can You Do for Your Own Version?

In subsequent articles, I will be listing out various things that I do for self-care, and things that you can do, but for this one, here are a few different things you can do with your significant other as a cheap, budget-friendly, date night:

  • Get a deck of cards and play a card game (we like Rummy)
  • Watch a movie, with phones off, snuggled on the couch
  • Read a book out loud
  • Work on a puzzle
  • Play a video game

What are some things you like to do with your partner? Let me know in the comments below! Why do you consider these things self-care?

After you subscribe and leave me a comment, I’d love to connect with you on Twitter! You can find me @PickyBookworm.

Until Next Time, Friends!

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