Sensitive is the New Strong [Book Review]

Most empathic people consider it a weakness, but in Sensitive is The New Strong by Anita Moorjani, she discusses why being empathic is not only a strength, but is a way to help other empaths find their inner strength as well.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for a free copy of Sensitive is the New Strong, in return for a free review.

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Anita Moorjani is the author of a book titled Dying to be Me, a book in which she tells her story about fighting cancer. In Sensitive is the New Strong, Anita tells her story of after her near-death experience, when she learns that not only is she empathic, but she is in the perfect situation to help others with their empathic abilities. Sensitive is the New Strong is a new kind of self-help book: geared toward those who absorb others’ feelings, she gives actionable tips on how to avoid the burnout that inevitably comes with these abilities.

I love so much about Sensitive is the New Strong, even if parts of it fell a little flat for me. Anita is Hindu, so much of her advice is geared toward her beliefs. I am a Christian, so many of her religious views felt wrong to me, because they didn’t jibe with my own beliefs. Luckily, I was able to take some things away from this book, such as affirmations and such, and discard the things that I couldn’t accept, such as connecting with my “inner mystic,” or my “spirit guide.”

Anita’s Writing Style

I really enjoyed the author’s writing, because of when she gives personal anecdotes to back up her advice. I especially enjoyed reading about her fight with cancer, and her decision to embrace her empathic side. As an empath myself, I was able to relate to her in quite a few different ways.

Anita’s Religious Views

As I stated before, Anita Moorjani is Hindu, and her religious beliefs are everywhere in this book, from mentioning finding her “inner mystic,” to outright stating her religious views. While I don’t agree with Hinduism in any form, as a Christian, I do believe in finding the nuggets of truth in anything, in order to live my life as well as I can. I was able to find some things in this book that didn’t outright disagree with my Christian views, so I was able to look at those objectively andĀ  use them in my own empathic journey.


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Anita’s Mantras and Affirmations

I did love that each chapter started with an affirmation/mantra, and that each chapter ended with a meditation that had to do with each subject in the chapter. Here are a couple of my favorites:

My Sensitivity is my Superpower!

I am like water, both gentle and strong

I love and accept all of me, and that includes my ego

Being an empath is a gift. It’s my connection to all that is!

Anita’s Choice of Title: Sensitive is the New Strong

I absolutely loved this author’s choice of title. Her reasoning behind it is pretty cool too. Anita believes that being sensitive to others, and being able to feel emotions and energies from others, is a sign of strength, rather than a sign of weakness. I agreed with this wholeheartedly, and it is the main reason why I kept reading this book, even after seeing her Hindu beliefs immersed in almost every word. I’ve read books before that I didn’t agree with that I wasn’t able to finish, but I thought there was enough in thisĀ  book that I related to that made finishing it worth it.

If you are empathic at all, or think you might be, then this book, regardless of your religious views, would be a good choice in helping you find the strength in being empathic. Especially if you’re not sure whether you’re empathic or not, you can take the quiz at the beginning of the book, to help you figure it out. I hope you give this book a chance, because I think it would be worth it.

Check out the Other Books by Anita Moorjani

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