Meet the Author: Sloane McClain

I’ve always loved reading. Writing my own seemed the next step. I started writing in grade school. My first “book” was a mystery and all of about twelve handwritten pages long.

Do you have a published book? What’s it called?

Currently I have seven (soon to be eight) published. In my Sons of Pendragon series (sons of King Arthur brought forward in time) I have Dragon’s Grace, Dragon’s Heir, Dragon’s Challenge, and Dragon Storm. In my Sidhe Hunters series, I have Holding Out For A HunterI Belong To The Hunter, and a short story, A Hunter For A Stormy Night.

Did you choose to self-publish your book, or query to publishers? Why did you choose this route?

I queried the Scott Meredith agency years ago and got a wonderful, eight-page rejection letter that was still very encouraging. Since my books don’t neatly fit into any one niche, I chose to self-publish. Plus, I’m a bit of a control freak so I wanted more control over the covers. I love the freedom of self-publishing.

Is it your dream to write full-time? Why, or why not?

Yes, of course. But if I never reach the point of making enough to support me, it won’t stop me. I can’t NOT write. The stories are in there and they want to come out.

What genre do you write in? Why did you choose this genre?

Mainly romance, but I blend in several others. I include some mystery, paranormal, and fantasy. I love the mish-mash. I’m not sure I chose this. It’s more I believe it chose me. My characters tell me their stories and I write them down. It only gets annoying when ones from different stories are talking to me at the same time.

What kinds of books do you like to read?

I love romance novels. Nearly all sub-genres. I also love mysteries–mostly the cozy type and ones with some romance thrown in. I also love fantasy. Basically, any story that the blurb catches my attention, and oddly, the blurbs are the most difficult for me to write for my own books. Hats off to those wonderful ones I find on other books.

Recommend 3 books that have been an inspiration to you

I don’t believe I can name 3 individual books.
  • Any book by Mary Stewart–The Moonspinners, The Hollow Hills.
  • Susan Cooper’s The Dark is Rising series.
  • Barbara Michael’s books like Be Buried In The Rain

Besides books, what inspires you on a daily basis?

  • Nature
  • Music
  • My rescue dogs

What are your favorite writing tools? Why?

I’m old school. I LOVE writing with pen and paper. That’s how I write my first drafts. Then I type them into the computer. I just love the feel of the nib going across the paper and seeing the cursive letters form. It’s still a form of magic for me.

Name 3 authors from the indie writing community who everyone should be friends with

Oh, gosh. That’s difficult to narrow down, too.
  • Elana McDougall
  • Daisy Wood
  • J. C. Paulson

What is something you wish everyone knew about you?

That I’m incredibly shy in person. That I LOVE dogs and have been known to walk up to dogs out with their people. If I was just starting out again (besides writing), I’d go to school to learn LIDAR.

Where can people find you? Please include all relevant social media, and a website if you have one. No website, but you have a newsletter? We wanna know!

I don’t have a website yet. But you can find me at the following:

Did you enjoy getting to know Sloane? Let me know in the comments below! If you’d like to be part of this blog series, you can fill out this form, and head over to the discussion forum and introduce yourself!

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Until next time, friends!


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Pamela has been a reader her whole life. She specializes in indie and self-published books, and dreams of a community where authors can feel supported and encouraged. Because of this, her editing services are priced specifically with self-published author budgets in mind.

She also loves connecting other readers with hidden gems from the indie community through book reviews and showcases authors through her podcast and “Meet the Author” blog series. Her book-inspired gift shop is an amazing place to find book inspired candles, book gift sets, and other amazing items.

When Pamela is not working on The Picky Bookworm, you can find her hanging with her friends on Twitter, pinning amazing pins on Pinterest, reading, spending time with her husband, or playing with her cats Simon and Glenn. Sometimes all at the same time.

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