Sons of Taldra by Duane Simolke [Promotion]

Hello, friends! If you’re new here, welcome! I’m Pamela, aka The Picky Bookworm, and I love bringing recognition to and promoting indie books! One of those ways is through a new book promotion service I’ve started. Book promotion allows me to tell you about books, and show them off, even when I haven’t had a chance or time to read them yet. Hashtag too many books, amirite? The Sons of Taldra sounds like so much fun, and I really hope I’ll have time eventually to read it and write a full review. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this highlight post, and I hope you check out the book!

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About The Sons of Taldra [Amazon Blurb]

In an alternate reality, the human home world of Valchondria comes together under a constitution based on the Iroquois Federation. Centuries later, the Iroquois scientist Taldra becomes Valchondria’s Leader.

Now Taldra and her twin gay sons must form new alliances as humanity faces a race of alien shapeshifters intent on using people as a food source. One of Taldra’s rivals might pose an even greater threat.

What Others Have Said

Sebastian Brook with Doctor Who Online says, “(The Sons of Taldra) is refreshingly different, and at its beating heart is some much needed diversity that slots in effortlessly and with purpose.”

Fiction Flock tells us, “Overall, (the Sons of Taldra) was a quick fun read for anyone who enjoys sci-fi and adventure books. The plot was compelling and the characters were engaging.”

About The Author – Duane Simolke

Duane Simolke has written and contributed to many works over the years. Sons of Taldra remains one of his most popular works, and one he is super proud of. If you’d like more information about Duane and his books, check out the links below.

I hope you’ll join me in supporting Duane and his books. Here at The Picky Bookworm, we love promoting independent authors and books! Thank you so much for helping me with my mission to bring self-published and independent books to the masses!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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