Tales From the Gas Station 4 by Jack Townsend [Book Review]

book information for tales from the gas station volume four. Self published by jack townsend, horror comedy genre, published march 21, 2022, length 476 pages.Hello all! I am back from my vacation having finished this last installment, Tales From The Gas Station 4. If this review feels a little bittersweet, it’s because this is one of my favorite literary worlds, and it’s always a little sad to say goodbye to those.


That is not to be taken as a reflection of the quality of book which, as always, was phenomenal.

So let’s get into my thoughts about it.

My Reviews of Tales From The Gas Station Volumes 1-3

My Pitch

If you have read Jack’s story up until this point, I don’t think I have to sell this book to you. It might be the most different in tone from the series, and impressively enough, I think it is the largest in scope. Considering we’ve seen Jack meet elder gods and multidimensional creatures before, that was a tall task. The book absolutely delivered.

A Brief Synopsis

Volume Four sees a lot more of Jack’s pre-gas station past coming back to haunt him. With only a few days left to save the world, Jack is confronted with the potential loss of the people who mean the most to him. This volume features epic stakes, some of the highest highs, and lowest lows.

What Worked For Me

I was worried about this volume going in. Tales from The Gas Station 4 was the only installation that I went in without a clear understanding of what the narrative would be. Of course, Jack Townsend didn’t disappoint. Here are a few things that really stuck out to me about this part of the story in particular. 


It just wouldn’t feel like a Tales From the Gas Station book if I weren’t laughing at something dark, and a little inappropriate. There were several laugh out loud funny moments that really interrupted my family’s quiet reading time. (In true Townsend fashion, these moments were only funny in context, so I looked like a maniac when I tried to explain why I was giggling so much.)

Jerry’s Annotations

Jerry’s interruptions into the narration go back to the first volume. Now that he has taken the position of Jack’s editor, they feel absolutely seamless in the story. They add a lot of character, and much-needed levity in some of the darker moments. I particularly enjoyed his misleading recaps which were so in character and great callbacks for the serious fans.


What really impressed me about volume 4 was Jack’s characterization.

I’ve been pretty vocal, both in these reviews and in my online circles, that Jack is my favorite part of this series. He is flawed in such an endearing way, and I find that I relate to him.

To get personal for a moment, I found this series the year that my chronic insomnia was at its worst. Seeing a character who drank coffee all through the night and half-assed the important things in his life so he could get back to his books and escape reality a while, made me feel very seen. Seeing him continue to survive despite all odds and with obstacles constantly being added made this series feel so optimistic for me at a time when I really needed it.

Volume three ended with a big shift in the status quo for Jack, which was good, but also gave him a lot to deal with personally headed into this volume. I was sort of worried that if we delved too deeply into Jack’s past that I wouldn’t find him as relatable or comforting.

There’s also the issue that a lot of creepypasta series have run into where delving too far into the life of an initially vague narrator can ruin the pacing or tone of a series later on.

I am pleased to announce that Townsend does a great job finding the perfect balance for his fictional narrator. Jack becoming more real only amplified what I already loved about the character.


To wrap this all up, I really enjoyed revisiting this series and finally finishing it. I would absolutely recommend going along for the ride if you haven’t already. Tales from the Gas Station 4 is the culmination of all the best that fiction has to offer. It’s creepy, it’s highly speculative, it’s weird, it’s funny, and the whole experience feels sort of like a trip back home.

You can find the Tales From The Gas Station Series Here

Thank you all for checking out my reviews for these! I look forward to sharing some other spooky reads with you this season.

Until then, Happy Reading!

Cat Voleur is a published writer of dark, speculative fiction and full-time horror journalist. In addition to freelancing scripts and articles on the genre, you can find her co-hosting the Slasher Radio podcast.  She currently resides in a house with her army of rescue felines. When she isn’t writing, gaming, or consuming horror content, she will undoubtedly be pursuing her passion for fictional languages. You can find Cat’s work on her website, and don’t forget to follow her on Twitter. If you’re interested in learning more about Cat, check out her origin story.

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