The Fiancee by Kate White [Book Review]

I don’t listen to many audiobooks, but this one sounded really interesting, and gave me a chance to listen to something other than music when I was working. Little did I know, it would suck me in and leave me hanging until the last minute played.

For me, most audiobooks become a sort of “white noise,” letting me immerse myself in what I’m doing, but not have to deal with any ambient noise in the house or office around me. This book didn’t do that. I not only listened intently, but I followed the story well enough to be able to write a review.

Will I buy a hard copy of this book?

Abso-freaking-lutely! Probably the Kindle version, because that’s how I roll.

I told a lady I work with that I need to own this book. It was THAT good. But I digress; now that I’ve raved about how much I loved this book, why don’t I tell you why? 

The Picky Bookworm

Like any thriller/whodunit/mystery, this book starts off a little slowly, with our narrator, Summer, and her husband Gabe joining his family for a week of relaxation and family time at his parent’s summer home. Summer is really close with all of Gabe’s family, and is excited to be spending the week with them; especially her mother-in-law, Claire.

When Gabe’s brother Nick brings home his new girlfriend, Hannah, Summer recognizes her right away. They had acted together in a showcase years ago, which Hannah has apparently forgotten. Summer knows she’s lying, however, so becomes suspicious of her motives. When a family member turns up dead, Summer’s fears seem to be realized.

This death leads Summer on a week-long chase to find the killer, and avoid getting killed herself.

The Picky Bookworm

Summer is an interesting character. She’s obviously loyal, if a little overdramatic. The dramatics come, I think, from her being an actress. When she realizes that Hannah lied to her, she becomes suspicious of all of Hannah’s activities, and when the death happens, Summer becomes immediately obsessed with proving that Hannah committed the murder.

Summer’s love for her family is definitely a plus for the story, but she has such tunnel vision around them, that the “bad guy” must automatically be the newcomer. I will admit, I told myself several times, “Hannah can’t have done it. I don’t believe it.” Then something would happen to make me change my mind, then change it back, then change it again. Kate, the author, was really good at keeping the reader in a sort of limbo until the last pages, when everything is revealed.

The audio narrator that Kate used for her audio book was fantastic. It was sometimes hard to figure out who was speaking, but that’s pretty par for the course with me. Unless the narrator specifically says, “Ok, now Wendy is speaking. Ok, now Hannah,” I have a hard time with it.

I absolutely loved this book, despite my idiosyncracies with audiobooks. I’ll definitely be buying this book at some point so that I can have it in my collection, and maybe read it at some point. The different characters, and how everyone reacted differently to the death was refreshing. Despite the family’s closeness, everyone seems to have secrets, and it was fun trying to figure them all out, and try to figure out what was really going on.

About The Author

Kate White spent 14 years as the editor-in-chief at Cosmopolitan magazine, which she left more successful than when she started, to become a full-time author. Kate became a mystery fan after reading Nancy Drew.

Why am I not surprised? I’m the same way.

You can find more information about Kate’s books here:

The Picky Bookworm

Ok, so you now know why I loved this book so much, and why I think you should listen to it. Do you think you will? If so, please let me know below!

Let me know your favorite audiobook. I don’t listen to many, but if one has an amazing narrator I’m usually down to at least try.

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Until Next Time, Friends!

The Picky Bookworm

6 thoughts on “The Fiancee by Kate White [Book Review]

  1. I can only listen to an audio book, if I’ve already read the physical copy! I use it as background noise, like you mentioned.

    1. I hope you get a chance to read it, then! I will be purchasing a hard copy so I can read it again. I very much enjoyed it.

    1. It’s very much a mystery thriller. I’ll be checking out her other books when I have time as well. I think I would probably enjoy them.

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