The Means by Amy Fusselman [Book Review]

Book Information on The Means by Amy FusselmanNot everything I read is big, chonky, fantasy books, my friends. Did you know that? I know it’s probably hard to believe, since almost every book I talk about is fantasy, or some variation thereof. I do, however, enjoy the occasional “palate cleanser” book, so when I come across a shorter, easy-to-read contemporary story, such as The Means by Amy Fusselman, I grab it with both hands and don’t let go.

Honestly, I read The Means in about a day and a half. It wasn’t really the subject matter, or the characters that kept me reading… it was the storytelling, and the obsessive behavior of the main character that I found endearing.

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Shelly Means is a stay-at-home mom. Her husband makes pretty good money, and she’s been on the PTA for years. That is, until she disgraces herself with the PTA, and her husband loses a lucrative voice-acting job.

Shelly decides that the one thing she wants in life, the one thing that will give her life meaning and contentment, is a beach house in the Hamptons. She sets her sights on having her house, despite lack of money, lack of planning, and especially lack of understanding from the homeowner’s association.

The Means is a satirical look at what it means to be rich and what it means to have everything you want.

Thank you to Netgalley for a free copy of The Means by Amy Fusselman, in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Thoughts

Ok, my review won’t be very long on this one, because it’s seriously way too hard not to give spoilers for The Means. I will say, however, that I really liked the book. It was such a funny story. Shelly’s obsession with getting her beach house, and the lengths she goes to in order to get it, are pretty insane. Funny, but insane.

Even though her husband struggles to provide for them, Shelly is so determined to elevate their status through a “house in the hamptons” that she ignores almost everything he says. She hires a realtor/architect who convinces her to use storage crates (you know, those big metal pods on the barges?). While she thinks it a great idea, the history of the containers means way too much to her. If they didn’t come from a fancy location, and hold something really interesting, she doesn’t want to use them to create her dream house.

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Seriously, you should read The Means. One, it’s funny. Two, it will honestly make you feel better about your own life. I struggle to market my business some days, and I struggle to write blog posts on time most days, but at least I’m not struggling to build the perfect house on the beach made out of shipping containers.

The Means by Amy Fusselman is on Amazon!


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