Hey friends! I’ve been seeing posts around where bloggers have answered Vogue’s “73 Questions.” I thought the one I found here, on The Dating Bitch, looked like fun. Another one will be coming at some point (probably as part of Blogmas), but this one looks like fun. After reading her answers, I totally get why we get along so well.

If you want to learn more about me, then keep reading!

Table of Contents

 Vogue’s 73 Questions

1. What is your usual Starbucks order?

White chocolate mocha with almond milk and extra white chocolate, no whip no foam. Then I sprinkle chocolate, vanilla and cinnamon on top.

2. What does your workstation look like right now?

Way too messy. I actually can’t sit at my desk right now, because I’ve got planner stickers and photo setups for Etsy everywhere.

3. All-time favorite food?

Spaghetti and meatballs. I could eat it every day.

4. Favorite author?

Michael Crichton. He has the skill of taking something super cool and making it REALLY scary. Prey and Jurassic Park come to mind.

5. What do you think of open relationships?

They’re not for me, but every relationship is different, so if something like that works for you, I don’t feel I’m in a position to judge your choices.

6. Favorite video game?

Jak 2, part of the Jak & Daxter franchise. I’ve beat the game at least 100x by now, and have never been able to beat it in one life. The struggle is real, I’m telling you!

7. Guilty pleasure treat?

Andes Mints brownies

8. Favorite film?

The Matrix and Undercover Blues. Resident Evil is definitely on the list, too, along with Real Genius, Batman Forever, and The Watcher.

My tastes in movies are extremely eclectic, right?

9. Favorite book?

Airframe by Michael Crichton

I actually wrote a review of this amazing book. you can read it here.



10. Twitter or Instagram?

Twitter, hands down. I tried Instagram for a while but was terrible at engaging and getting engagement. Twitter works tons better for me.

11. Desktop or Laptop?

Either one, honestly, depending on my needs. Eventually, I plan to have both. My husband wants to beta test computer games sometimes, so having a desktop would work better for that.

12. Best advice you’ve ever received?

I’ve received a ton over the years. “Look on the bright side” seems to be a good one.

13. What project are you working on right now?

I have several going all at the same time: Etsy products, proofreading, blogging and podcasting. Each fulfills a creative part of me that I love indulging.

14. Favorite color?


Green is the feng shui color of Health and Potential. I can’t say that’s a bad thing to surround myself with.

15. Did you get good grades in school?

In everything but history.

16. Dream job?

What I’m doing right now. Owning a small business, that gives me the opportunity to indulge my creative side.

17. Played any sports?

Nope. Well, unless you count Billiards, then yes. But physical sports? Nope. Not athletic enough.

18. Do you have a degree?

I have an associates in Psychology

19. Nationality?

American, but my ancestry is English, Irish, and German.

20. What is your favorite kind of blog post to write?

Book Reviews.

21. What do you like to collect?

I collect yarn, which I use to make scrunchies. I’ll be listing some in my Shop soon, so be on the lookout!

22. Describe yourself in 3 words

Creative, Kind, Trustworthy

23. If you were a rapper what would your rapper name be?

“My husband hates me.” The only way I would ever be a rapper is if I wanted that sentence to be true.

24. Who was the last person you DM’d?

My friends Katie, Caroline, and Lacey. My “Golden Girls.”

25. What is on top of your wish list right now?

That my small business would take off, so I can quit my job. When my husband and I have our child (we are currently TTC, saving up for IVF) I want to be able to work from home, so that strangers won’t be raising my child.

26. Hogwarts House?

Hufflepuff (knowing my house in no way indicates that I support JK Rowling, or have even read her books)

27. How many tattoos do you have?


28. What are you most grateful for this year?

My husband. We’ve been through a LOT this year, but he’s been my rock through everything.

29. What’s the best thing that has happened to you this month?

Making over $200 at my job’s first annual craft fair.

30. What’s the best thing that has happened to you today?

Salad for dinner. Sad, yes, but today was a little frustrating.

31. What’s the best thing ever?

Baby giggles or kitty kat purrs. I swear, if we could bottle that sound, no one would ever be depressed again.

Check out this video of the best baby giggles. Ethan is quite a bit older now, but he was SO adorable!

32. Favorite season

Summer. Despite the fact that my state gets SO hot.

Update 2022: Fall has won as my favorite season. Multiple days at over 100F is a little much, even for me.

33. Favorite holiday

Christmas. Basically, I love any of the gift-giving holidays. I am the absolute worst at holding onto gifts, though, so can’t shop early. Otherwise, people would get their gifts in July. I just get way too excited when I find a good gift for someone.

34. Which fictional character do you relate the most to?

Jo from Little Women. All she’s ever wanted to do is read books and support her family. Loyal, even when she doesn’t feel like it.

35. Do you like surprises?

Love them.

36. What’s the biggest surprise you ever got?

My mom threw a surprise birthday party for me once. It was so sweet!

37. What’s a surprise that made you cry?

I don’t cry much at surprises, but I definitely cried at my wedding.

38. What’s the best surprise you have ever given anyone?

My husband mentioned he wanted a to-go cup for his coffee, so I grabbed one of his Christmas gifts, and handed it to him. It was exactly what he had asked for.

39. Do you like muffins?

Blueberry, TOTALLY. I hate blueberries by themselves but love them in things. I also have a recipe for oatmeal muffins that my husband and I eat as often as we can. They’re super healthy, and so yummy.

40. Do you cook often?

All the time. Especially right now, while my husband is laid up from his knee surgery.

41. What’s your favorite dessert?

Boston Creme Pie.

42. Is there a dessert you don’t like?

Sweet Potato Pie.

43. Cake or pie?


44. What’s your least favorite food?

Beets or Eggplant.

45. What’s your favorite condiment?

My husband makes what I call “J-Sauce” that is a mixture of Ketchup, Barbecue Sauce, Worstcestershire sauce and hot sauce. it’s SO good.

46. It’s 4am on a random Saturday…what are you eating?

Nothing. If I’m up at 4am on a Saturday, I’m cursing the world.

47. If you could teach a college class, what would it be?

Planning 101.

48. Best animated film?

Big Hero 6

49. What has a guy said or done that impressed you?

My husband impresses me all the time.

50. Best thing to do on a first date?

Miniature golf, or bowling.

51. Worst thing to do on a first date?


52. What’s the best pick up line?

“Hi.” (Unless it’s on a dating site)

53. Best comic book character?

Wolverine or Iron Man

54. Name three things that can always be found in your purse?

Money, cell phone, keys

55. Favorite drink?

Alcoholic: Kahlua, Baileys and vanilla almond milk

Non-alcoholic: coffee or root beer

56. If you could play a historical character in a movie, who would it be?


57. Kittens or puppies?


58. Favorite sushi roll


59. What lipstick do you use?


60. What foundation do you use?

Au Naturel

61. Blow dry or Air dry?


62. Who is your fashion icon?

Anyone who loves to be comfortable.

63. Favorite Disney character?

Little Mermaid. or Baymax.

64. What are you doing tomorrow?


65. Movie you laughed the hardest through?

Rocketman (not the Elton John one. The Disney one)

66. Movie that made you cry?

Mighty Joe Young. The Fault in our stars got me BAD, too.

67. If you could sing a duet with anyone, who would you choose?

Alicia Keys

68. If your life was a song what would it be?

what’s the most boring song you can think of? My life is NOT exciting.

Tiger, Amurtiger, Predator, Big Cat, Carnivores69. What’s your favorite animal?

Siberian Tiger

70. Favorite illustrator?

I don’t have an answer for this.

71. Person you’d like to have coffee with?

Bill Gates.

72. What country would you love to visit?

Ireland, England, Slovenia

73. Best way to decompress?

Read, proofread, crochet, meditate.


Ok, those are my answers to Vogue’s 73 questions. If you write your own post for this, please tag me! I’d love to get to know you better!

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Until Next Time, Friends!

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