I’ve taken almost every personality test under the sun, but my favorite is probably the Enneagram. I’m a 2, “The Helper,” and I was never more validated than when I found that out.

The Helper. Seriously? Could that BE more perfect?

Being a helper has helped me grow The Picky Bookworm in so many amazing ways, because it has given me a core belief to align with. Is it helping someone? No? Then I don’t want to do it. Is it helping someone? Yes? Then let’s do it!

I’ve been a helper for as long as I can remember. From when I was little and wanted to help my mom fold washcloths (I was terrible at it, by the way) to when I was 12 and helped my elderly neighbor mow her lawn (I did it barefoot…shh… don’t tell anyone).

I never charged Laverne a cent to mow her lawn, because she was my friend, and I loved mowing lawns. She also did a lot for me, because I didn’t have many close friends, so she gave me an amazing friendship that I still treasure to this day. I loved going over and doing her crossword puzzles with her, and watching tv with her, and just hanging out. She was such a cool lady and I miss her.

But I digress…

What’s the point, Pam?

The point is… as an author, you were born to tell stories. Since starting my podcast, I’ve had so many authors on to chat, and I would say probably 97% of you have said that you’ve been telling or writing stories since you were small children.

Well, I’ve been reading and digesting them since I was small, too. So, seems we’re a match made in heaven, huh?

Everything in The Picky Bookworm has been designed with one goal in mind: How can I use this to help promote indie books and authors? A few things have fallen by the wayside, because they didn’t align with my own values, like my book promotion services (I enjoyed it, but at the same time I felt icky taking money for it) but my editing services, candles, banner ads, podcast ads, and other various services (I hope to have a couple more in the next year or so) are here to stay.

My favorite service to offer is editing. I love being an editor! I mean, taking a book that is almost ready to publish, and giving it that final polish? Mmmm! *Chef’s Kiss* Perfection!

I was literally born for this. You were born to tell stories, I was born to help you in all the various ways it takes to get them out to the world, and between us all, we were born to live in this beautiful community with each other.

We all rise when we lift each other. I don’t remember who said that, but it’s one of my favorite quotes. The world needs your stories, so please keep telling them!

And when your stories need that extra push, please call me! Or email… you know what I mean. I’d love to help you. I was born for this, ya know. 

Thanks for visiting! I hope you stick around, because I love having you, and it’s a lot of fun here in my little corner of the internet. If you enjoyed this post, and want to get an email every time I publish, please subscribe! You’ll find a subscribe box in my sidebar. Or, to make it even easier, head to my linktree, and subscribe over there. You’ll only get an email when I add a new link. Come back soon!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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