What Author Do You Want To Meet IRL? [Journal Prompt]

Here’s the sitch. Everyone has an author or celebrity or influencer…etc, that they want to meet. Because, I think, we want to see if we can soak up some of that wonderful creative energy those people seem to overflow with. I just want to say that I love all authors, and I want everyone to keep writing. The world needs your stories.

I limited myself to mainstream authors, because if I want to have tea with one of my favorite indie authors. I really only need to get them on video chat. My friend Gabe and I do that regularly for our podcast, even if he drinks coffee and I drink water.

With that said, let’s dig into my choices for the authors I would most enjoy getting to know.

I would have loved to sit and listen to Michael Crichton talk about how he develops his stories, or the imagination of Stephanie Meyer. I’ve always thought it would be cool to speak with Socrates, or meet the authors of the original Greek myths.

I’m not sure which author I would like to meet most, but after considering it, I have to say meeting P.C. & Kristin Cast would be really cool. I love their take on the traditional vampire lore, and the fact that the books are set in my hometown is really groovy.

I’m currently reading the House of Night series again, and I can’t wait to get their other books and enjoy them as well. Zoey Redbird is an awesome character, but relatable at the same time.

I feel like if I were younger, she and I could be good friends. I think that’s the mark of a great author, and a great storyteller. If a reader can find at least one character to relate to, and feel like he or she could live in the world in the story, then the author is a truly great person.

What about you? what author would you most like to meet? Answer in the comments below! In your comment, let me know one mainstream author you’d love to meet, and the ideal dinner party made up of 4 of your indie author friends. 

If you’re anything like me, not having a number limit would mean everyone would come, and that would just be way too much work to feed everyone. I’m not looking to stress you out, so we’ll make it an intimate party. For example, here’s my list:

Mainstream Author (living or dead): Michael Crichton

Dinner Party Guests:

  • Ashlei J – @AuthorADJ
  • Gabe Hargrave – @GHargraveWrites
  • Sabrina A – @szattwellauthor
  • Elana McDougall – @ElanaMcdougall

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Until Next Time, Friends!