You Should Smile More by Anastasia Ryan [Book Review]

Ok, friends, how many times have you been told this? “You’d be so pretty, if you’d just smile more!” I’ve been told that so many times I can’t even tell you. It’s like I’m expected to just naturally be happy all the time. It’s so frustrating, as I’m sure you know. I think you’ll enjoy my review of You Should Smile More by Anastasia Ryan, because it’s a book that takes this statement to a whole new level.

My husband and I have a joke that we stole from Big Bang Theory, when our faces don’t match our moods. “Tell your face!” We think it’s funny, and is a more fun thing to say than, “you need to smile more!” When someone tells me that, I usually force myself to give the most hideous smile I can. I hate being told to smile, especially when I don’t feel like it. Most of my emotions show up on my face, mostly without my permission, so forcing myself to smile is like forcing myself to be a dog. I can’t just grin and roll over on command.

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Meet Vanessa. She’s the main character of You Should Smile More, and has a unique story about this very subject. Vanessa works for a telemarketing agency, which means she’s on the phone all day. The fact that her job is phone-based is very important, because one day she’s called into the owner’s office and fired. 

Their reason? Her face.

Xavier, the owner, who is himself a rather weird guy, tells Vanessa that her face indicates she has a dark soul, and she just doesn’t fit in with company culture. Vanessa’s friend Jane is fired very soon after, for something to do with her attitude. Their third friend, Trish, is only kept on because she signed an affidavit stating that her bad behavior was under the influence of Vanessa and Jane, and is placed on permanent probation.

During an evening of drinking peppermint schnapps, which “tastes like toothpaste,” the three ladies come up with a drunken plan to get revenge. Vanessa and Jane promptly forget the next day. Especially when they each receive an email from the company asking them to sign an agreement that they won’t apply for unemployment, in return for 3 days severance pay.

Jane signs. Vanessa, at the insistence of her mother, doesn’t.

Once Vanessa applies for unemployment, it seems all hades breaks loose.

Thank you to Netgalley for a free copy of You Should Smile More in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Thoughts

I absolutely loved You Should Smile More. Yes, I know I say that in almost every single book review, but isn’t that why you’re here? To learn about the books I love, and find your next favorite read? Welcome to my review of You Should Smile More. I hope you enjoy. 


The characters in You Should Smile More are absolutely the heart. They drive the action, they make the decisions (some good, some bad) and they interact in a way that’s heartwarming, funny, and entertaining. Read about them more below.


Vanessa is the main character, and the one who is unceremoniously fired from her telemarketing job. Yes, my first question was, “If she’s on the phone all the time, what does that have to do with her face?” Well, that’s a very good question, and is answered in the “Then” portion of the book. The book is told in two timelines, but don’t worry, they’re clearly labeled. No confusion necessary. Needless to say, I love Vanessa, and have decided she and I would be very good friends. As much as she irritates me in a lot of ways, Jennifer Lawrence would be good in this role. She’s good at her own version of RBF, and has the snarky personality of Mystique to back it up.


Trish is my second favorite. She’s one of those people who you should never underestimate. As part of her helping the other ladies get revenge, she plants a bug in Xavier’s office, and gets transmitters for everyone, so they can all hear what’s going on. Mila Kunis would make a fantastic Trish.


Jane is my third favorite of the three. Not because I don’t love her, because I do, but because I don’t really have as much in common with her. I can be as diabolical (when necessary) as Trish, and I have what I call “focus face” which to most people looks like a scowl. Aly Michalka would be the best Jane. I loved her in iZombie and Phil of The Future, and think she has the best attitude to play someone like Jane.

The Cats

Oh, these cats. I love them so much. Vanessa is a volunteer at a pet shelter, and fosters cats on a regular basis. These five are waiting to grow up a bit, so they can find their forever home, and are so much fun! Vanessa was a Latin major in college, so has named the kitten one through five in Latin. That is: Unus, Deus, Tres, Quattuor, and Quinque. The kittens are extremely mischievous, and actually cause Vanessa no end of trouble. If they’re anything like my cat Simon, though, their cuteness makes up for a lot of it. They’re such a fun part of the story, and I’m looking forward to more stories by this author, to see if more kittens show up.


Carter is probably one of the coolest potential love interests I’ve found in a book. Not because he’s better than other characters in other books, but because he loves cats as much as Vanessa does. Carter is the unemployment advocate assigned to Vanessa’s claim, and his first conversation with her about why she got fired is pretty funny. I imagine someone cute, but semi-nerdy in the role of Carter. I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head, but if anyone wants to leave a comment with their ideas, please do!


The Owner of Directis, the Telemarketing company where Vanessa worked. He’s weird, to say the least. He never wears shoes, which isn’t weird in itself, but he keeps a plot of astroturf under his desk so he can “feel grounded” by putting his feet on it when he’s sitting at his desk. Imagine an ugly Timothy Olyphant with longish hair, a beard, shorts and a t-shirt, and you’ll have a good idea of what I think Xavier looks like.

Vanessa’s Mom

This woman is my hero. Seriously. She frustrates Vanessa, because she kind of treats her like a kid sometimes, but if not for mom, Vanessa could have been in serious trouble. Mom is who convinced Vanessa to file for unemployment, instead of signing for severance, like Jane did. She’s such a fun character, and I loved when she joined the cast. I kind of imagine Sharon, Michael’s mom from Queer as Folk, as this heroic mom.

The Bridge Brigade

Vanessa’s mom plays bridge with several ladies, and she recruits them in her overly helpful decision to “investigate” Xavier, because she’s convinced he’s shady. His reason for firing Vanessa is her only evidence, but she still manages to get her friends to help out and become amateur sleuths. They’re so much fun, I’d be happy to let them hang out in my house.

The Pace

I read You Should Smile More in about 2 days, maybe 3. It was a lighthearted read, great for a palate cleanser. Plenty of it was funny, especially the parts with the Bridge Brigade. I didn’t feel like it was rushed at all, even if I felt like some parts were unnecessary. I loved the fact that Anastasia wrote the story in two timelines, which helped set the story for current time, and help solve any mysteries or plot twists as they came up. I had plenty of “ooooohhhh! THAT’S why!”

The Title

As a woman who has been told to smile more plenty of times, and for all women who have been told the same, this title was absolutely perfect. The “before” stories were absolutely insane, and I can’t say that I blame Vanessa for not smiling much. It makes me so grateful, if I weren’t already, to work for a company where most of the major directors are women. Even the men in director positions are absolutely amazing. I couldn’t imagine working in another toxic workplace, especially one like Directis.

Was The Book Predictable?

You Should Smile More was predictable, but in a different way than I thought. I was able to figure out a bunch of stuff early on, but that in no way ruined my enjoyment of the story. Results may have been what I expected, but the journey to those results was immersive, and so much fun.

Would I read another book by Anastasia Ryan?

Abso-freakin-lutely, I would! I love her writing style, her character creation, and her ability to take something as simple as RBF, and build an entire story around it. I hope to find other books by Anastasia, and check them out. And if this is her debut, I look forward to more stories in the future!


If you enjoy cozy, lighthearted stories, with fun, quirky characters, and despicable antagonists, you will love You Should Smile More. Especially if you’ve just finished a darker book, or even a big book. I tend to be attracted to fantasy books that are 500 pages or more, but when I find a book that’s less than 300, and promises to be a good time, I love those too. Like a moth to a flame, I’m telling you.

Interested? You Should Smile More is on Amazon!

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If you’ve read You Should Smile More, and want to talk about it, leave me a comment! I absolutely love them, and respond to every one! If you haven’t read it, then leave me a comment with your favorite part of this review, and your favorite similar book. I love lighthearted books that get me laughing, so if it’s one of those, all the better! I look forward to your comments!

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Until Next Time, Friends!

P.S. Next week, I have a more personal blog post coming, so be on the lookout!



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