1st Shock by Misty Evans and Adrienne Giordano [Book Review]

1st Shock is one of those books that sat in my Kindle for far too long, and I finally got to it. I decided one day I was just going to read my Kindle from A-Z, until I realized I was overlooking some truly amazing books by choosing to do that. 1st Shock was one of those books I read during my attempt to do this. It didn’t last long, but I’m still really glad I got to read this book.

Meg & Charlie are the Schock Sisters. They run a private investigation firm, specializing in Cold Cases. Meg is an artist; she rebuilds faces, giving the police an easier job of identifying bodies, when they are too far gone to identify by traditional means.

Charlie is a profiler. She’s the psychologist of the duo, and works directly with law enforcement to find killers, long after they think they’ve gotten away with murder.

When Meg discovers that the two bodies in her studio may have been killed by the same person, She and Charlie go on the hunt to find a murderer before he, or she, kills again.

1st Shock sat in my Kindle library for a while before I managed to get to it. After I finished The Goners, I needed something light to cleanse my literary palate, before moving on to something else big.

I know, a murder mystery doesn’t seem to be a good palate cleanser, but this book was. It was light, and despite the fact that it was a little predictable, I still found it to be a good book.

The authors, Misty Evans and Adrienne Giordano, are really good storytellers, and get the reader involved in the story pretty quickly.

My Favorite Character

Meg is the more relatable character to me. She’s perfectly imperfect. She gets anxiety attacks, she’s obsessed with finding justice for her “girls” Emily & Avery.

Meg gives the girls names, because she can’t find it in herself to just call them “the remains” or “the bodies.” She gets attached to every victim she works with, and finding justice is the one thing she can give back to someone who no longer has her life.

Blend of Genres

I knew I was reading a murder mystery, but the authors managed to sneak in a small love story, and plenty of excitement and thrills. This book has a little bit for everyone, and I’ll definitely be reading the others in the series.

If you like a good mystery, with relatable characters and lots of thrills and spills, this book may be for you. I’m looking forward to grabbing the other books, too, so I’ll be sure to let you know what I think!

Head over to my discussion forum and join in on the fun! The question relating to this book is, “What is the best genre, such as romance, that you’ve seen sneak its way into a murder mystery?”

Until Next Time, Friends!

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