Everlong by R. Raeta [Book Review]

When was the last time you read a book that had you so engrossed, that even though it broke your heart, you couldn’t stop reading? Everlong by R. Raeta was that book for me. Everlong is heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time, but yet written in such a way that it is virtually impossible to put down.

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Lily has been sitting on the same bench, night after night, writing in a notebook. She remembers nothing about her life, only that the bench is “hers,” and that the sun is to be feared. Her life is simple and peaceful….until Sam sits on the bench next to her.

“Adore” isn’t a strong enough word to explain just how much I loved this book. I had to keep tissues close by, because Lily and Sam’s story was so sweet I kept tearing up. Sam was so protective of her, even in situations when Lily was obviously stronger. Lily’s innocence was contagious, as well, transferring to Sam, and allowing him to feel almost childlike again.

Lily and Sam were kind of like two stray animals, who adopted each other out of necessity, but ended up absolutely inseperable. Sam has just sort of been living his life, working with his family, and not really leaving a footprint behind. I kind of got the feeling that he was in the world, but not really IN it. He wasn’t the type of person to leave behind a huge legacy when he died.

Until he met Lily.

Lily had spent a long time on her bench, just kind of watching the world go by. She would write stories in old battered notebooks, giving pasts to things she sees in the park around her. Again, I got the feeling that she wasn’t the type to leave a lasting imprint on the world. People passed by her, saw her every day, but didn’t really see her.

Until she met Sam.

Lily and Sam together are what creates the lasting footprint, and the huge legacy, and their story is absolutely amazing. Rachelle has written such a beautiful story, and the supernatural aspects she includes don’t take away from the story at all. For example, when I read Twilight, the vampires and werewolves kind of took over the story, rather than the love story between Bella and Edward. We never forgot that Edward was a vampire, because the author didn’t let us.

Interested in Purchasing? Grab Everlong here

Rachelle has written an entirely different kind of love story. She allows us to forget the supernatural aspects, until she’s ready to throw them in our faces again. I was continually thrown back and forth, not really knowing what was going on, until the author was ready to tell me.

When the author told me, it made perfect sense, like it was that way all along.

Please, PLEASE, read this book! If you like supernatural stories, you’ll love this book. If you love romance, you’ll love this book. If you love tear-jerker stories, you’ll love this book.

Everlong literally has something in it for everyone, and no one I’ve met has been disappointed. I’m so excited for you to read this book, and please come back and let me know what you thought!

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Everlong by R. Raeta is a beautiful love story, with enough supernatural aspects to keep it from being JUST a love story. The characters are written so well, and so lovingly, that it’s obvious the author worked hard to bring us the best story she could. I loved this book so much, that when I got the idea for Picky Bookworm Book Boxes, Everlong was an easy choice for a first book. I love books that make me FEEL, and Everlong definitely does that!

If you are interested in a gift set for the book lover in your life, or just need something for self-care, I encourage you to check out the Picky Bookworm Book Box in my Shop. In the set, you’ll get: A signed paperback copy of Everlong, a scented candle made by me, a scented bookmark made by Ellie with AcornTops on Etsy, and a chocolate bar. Each box is lovingly created to make sure the atmosphere around the book isn’t forgotten. Each item is designed to enhance the book experience. Thanks for coming by and reading my review of Everlong by R. Raeta! I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you share with your friends!

Until next time, Friends!

3 thoughts on “Everlong by R. Raeta [Book Review]

    1. Thank you! Everlong is worth it! If you’re interested in a signed copy, I do encourage you to check out the book gift set on my etsy shop! Otherwise, I hope you’ll share this review with your friends!

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