Stacia Kaywood [Podcast Episode]

Welcome Back, my friends! I’m trying something a little different this week, because instead of creating a show notes “page,” y’all are getting a blog post. Since I have my newsletter set up to go out when I publish a new post, I thought this would be a fun way to let all of you know when I have a new episode. Stacia Kaywood is with me this week, and she was so much fun to chat with! I enjoyed it immensely and I hope you do too! You can listen below, or head to your favorite podcast directory and listen there. I know plenty of you listen in your car, so do whatever is easiest for you.

If you enjoy today’s episode, please consider sharing with your friends! And if you want to get this weekly notification of a new episode, please subscribe! You’ll get an email every time I publish something new. 

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About Stacia Kaywood

Stacia loved listening to her grandfather’s stories as she grew up in Kansas. She didn’t dislike reading, but couldn’t find the stories that sparked her interest, until an enterprising elementary school teacher managed to convince her of the magic in books. She’s been a voracious reader ever since. Thanks to modern technology, she is able to carry these stories in her tablet everywhere she goes, and usually does.

During COVID lockdown, she discovered that not only did she love reading others’ stories, she loved the idea of creating her own. Spurred by the idea that she was teaching her children that they could do whatever they set their minds to, she turned her creative energy to the stories that had lived in her head for years. She knew she preferred happy-ever-afters, so romance was the genre she chose, but the settings all differed. Historical settings, such as a London Ballroom, a Pennsylvania smoke shop, or a farmhouse in Bavaria, she helps her characters find their own happily ever after.

She currently resides in Missouri with her husband, who was her own happy ever after, two children, and two furry cat sidekicks, who attempt to distract while pretending they’re not, and welcome snuggles and pets at all times.

Hang with Stacia Online

Our Book Recommendations

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed today’s episode with Stacia Kaywood! We enjoyed chatting, and I’ll definitely plan on having her back at some point. I’m kind of easing away from my fear of repeat guests, so expect some of your favorites in the future! I’m also working on getting more actual “book chats” on the show as well, so you can expect more of those too.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, please share with your friends! The more we get the word out, the more people will hear about these amazing authors, and the more people will find amazing books. That’s what this is all about, after all. I don’t make much money from putting this show out every week, so it’s definitely for the love of the books. If you want your book showcased on the podcast, however, please visit my book promotion page and find out how! 

Until Next Time, Friends!

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