The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth [Updated 2023]

I don’t often find auto-buy authors. Most of the time, I can take them or leave them. So, color me surprised when Sally Hepworth (who isn’t self-published, or even Indie published, I don’t think) came on the scene with her book The Good Sister. I received my copy from Netgalley in 2021, and HOLY CRAP, it was so good! So good, in fact, that when I left my glowing review, the publishers contacted me when The Younger Wife released, and offered me a copy of that one as well.

Well, of course I said yes! Couldn’t resist another Sally Hepworth book! Again, I was impressed. For a completely different reason, but I digress… 

I recently recommended The Good Sister to a friend of mine who is going through the assessment process to get her autism diagnosis, and she has some mannerisms and habits that reminded me of Fern in this book. My friend was struggling with these particular mannerisms, because she’s had other coworkers state that she comes off as rude or off-putting.

She’s not at all, it’s just the way she talks and communicates. All part of autism, my friends. Fern is the same way. Along with a healthy dose of sensory issues, and you’ve got a person who thinks she’s a bad person. She’s not. Absolutely not. So, I recommended The Good Sister to her, knowing that even though it’s a fictional book, it can give her a glimpse into the autistic brain and maybe give her a little hope that she’s not a bad person or a rude person. She’s just a different person. I love her dearly and was glad I was able to help.

Boy, did it help. It felt SO good! She read The Good Sister in less than a week, even stayed up late on a weekend night to finish it. She loved it so much. Not only did she finish the book, but she hadn’t been able to read a book in about 4 years. She had been struggling for so long to focus, had high anxiety, and was going through a reading slump. She’s currently looking for more of Sally’s books and has been asking about other authors in the same genre, which I was more than happy to provide.

So, if you’re interested in my review of the book that can help my friend in such a profound way, keep reading.

“Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.” 

I found this quote about sisters, and I found it especially fitting, since one of the sisters in The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth is named Rose. Rose has a diary that she writes in and has kept secrets for her sister Fern, for years.

You guys. You. Guys. Seriously, I think The Good Sister has made it to the very top of my favorite books so far of 2021. Seriously. Keep reading to find out why.

The Good Sister has ALL the things….Romance, thriller, psychological stuff, just All. The. Things. I love this book so much! One of my favorite parts of this book is that one of the sisters is on the ND spectrum.

It’s never specifically said that Fern is autistic, but all the signs are there.

Now, you’re probably wondering why she’s my favorite character? Because in so many ways, she’s relatable, and in so many others, I learned things from a fictional character that I didn’t know before.

Authors Who Research are some of my Favorite People

It’s OBVIOUS that Sally Hepworth, the author, either has a family member on the spectrum, or she DID. HER. RESEARCH.

I love research. I love authors who research. I love authors who show that they researched. All these things are so important!

I read a book last year that showed the author did NO research for the book, and I’m telling you, it was a pretty quick DNF for me. I adore authors who research, especially about sensitive subjects like autism and neuro-divergency.

Ok, now that you know how much I love this book, I’m going to tell you what it’s about. No, I’m not going to give you spoilers.

If you have followed me for any amount of time, you know I HATE spoilers. (small note, I’m aware I’m using a lot of caps, but I’m just so excited to talk about this book. I can’t help it).

Who is The Good Sister?

The great thing about this story, is I don’t think I’ll ever have to choose.

Humans crave routine, even as we say we thrive in chaos. Fern thrives so much in routine that she is able to function extremely well. I love that about her. Even when things happen outside her routine, she expresses her frustration with it, but tries to be flexible.

One of my favorite things about Fern is that when she’s holding a conversation with someone, and they state something as a question, but doesn’t actually ask a question, she won’t say anything. That’s something I wish all of us could do at one time or another.

Personally, I love routine. I forget things if they fall outside of the routine I create. I have a planner, and a phone and all sorts of things to help me stick to my routine.

I think that’s what makes me relate to Fern so much. She thrives so much in routine that dangerous things happen when she diverges from her routine. That sense of danger is part of what sets off the story in The Good Sister.


Rose writes a story in her journal at the beginning of the book about something Fern did when she was a child. This situation creates the dynamic between Rose and her sister throughout their lives. Fern believes she is dangerous, so listens to her sister when Rose “knows better.”

When Fern finds out that Rose can’t have a baby, but desperately wants one, she decides to be a surrogate.

But instead of talking to Rose and finding a way to bring Rose into the decision with her, Fern decides to do it her own way.

She figures out the easiest way would be to find a man, have sex with him, and if she gets pregnant, give the baby to Rose.

Fern meets a man at the library where she works, that she nicknames Wally, and asks him out on a date. This date precipitates quite a few things that bring Fern’s autism to the forefront and brings secrets to light that everyone wanted to keep buried.

My Thoughts on The Good Sister

As I said above, I love Fern. She’s easily one of my very favorite book characters EVER. She is such a good person, and functions so well, that at times it’s easy to forget she has autism.

At other times, she has a breakdown, something probably quite a few of us have considered at times. Wally is so understanding when she can’t function, that the reader ends up loving him too.

Rose is easy to dislike. Not because I think she’s deliberately malicious, but because she tends to manipulate Fern, and use Fern’s autism to her own advantage. I don’t like this about her.

As the story progresses, and things come to light, the differences between the sisters become even more pronounced, and Fern becomes much easier to love.

One thing I love so much about this book, is that I’m well aware that the author has to have done her research. Either that, or she has someone in her life with Fern’s specific form of Autism. Just how she’s able to portray Fern so well is amazing.

I learned so much reading this book, that when speaking with someone who is either neuro-divergent, or has spectrum disorder, I know a little more now. I am able to understand behaviors that I may not have understood before. This is something I never would have thought I could get from a fiction book.

My Recommendation

Have I mentioned yet how much I love this book? I think everyone should read it. Seriously. If you haven’t yet, go buy it. Now. Trust me, you won’t regret it. I can’t recommend this book enough. 

My friend Sol and I just recorded a new podcast episode to chat about The Good Sister, so check it out. Most of the episode is spoiler-free, but there is a small bit at the end that may contain spoilers. I do warn you before we start the spoiler section, so listen for that. Enjoy!

I’m Interested! Take me to The Good Sister on Amazon!

Final Thoughts

Have you read this book? Let me know in the comments below! Also, if you’re considering buying this book, please use the link above, and purchase through my amazon affiliate link. I’ll get a small commission, which will help keep this blog going!

I hope you enjoyed this review! I’d love if you shared with your friends.

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Until Next Time, Friends!

8 thoughts on “The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth [Updated 2023]

  1. I saw the cover of the book and I was immediately intrigued. I then read your blurb and it sounds quite interesting. But what is strange to me is the fact that one of the sisters decides to go out, have sex, get pregnant and then give the child to her sister , without even telling her she’s going to do it? If shes going to be surrogate, shouldn’t she use her sister’s genetic material instead of her own? Wouldn’t it be easier to just use a sperm donor, along with her sister’s egg? It just seems like she is making the plot very complicated….

    1. It seems entirely logical, when you consider that Fern is autistic. Her brain doesn’t work the same as her sister’s. She wants it to be a surprise, so her way seems perfectly logical. It is a little convoluted, but at the same time seems perfectly simple.

    1. Yeah, I saw a little of it coming, but not so much that it ruined the story for me. Fern was definitely my favorite character. I loved the dynamic between her and Wally.

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