Time Trap by Jill Cooper [Book Review]

When was the last time you read a book on the day it released? I can list the number of times on less than one hand. I absolutely LOVE finding out from my indie author friends when their books publish, and I’m TOTALLY down to celebrate when new books come out. Actually reading the book right away? Probably not going to happen. So, what happens, is I scroll through my Kindle and pick a random book that I want to read, and 90% of the time, it’s a book that’s been there for a WHILE. This is exactly what happened with Time Trap by Jill Cooper.

Time travel movies aren’t usually my jam, my friends. Trying to figure out the various timelines, and what happens when you step on a butterfly to change the course of human history just hurts my head. Time Trap by Jill Cooper was different, though. The author did a good job describing what was going on well enough that I didn’t finish the book with a migraine.

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Time Trap by Jill Cooper is book one of the Rewind Conspiracy series. The series has 6 books, and I need to own them all. Seriously.

I found Time Trap through BookBub, I believe, and it sat in my Kindle for far too long. I’m so glad I finally got to read it! It took me about 3 days to finish, although if I had read straight through, I probably could have finished in about 4 hours. Time Trap was a pretty easy read, and definitely compelling enough to keep me reading!

Check out the Rewind Conspiracy Series here

Lara Crane has decided to do something about her mom’s death. Her mom has been gone for a long time now, and Lara just wants her back. She’s tired of watching her dad suffer, she’s tired of watching his depression, and she’s tired of his having to work 3 jobs just to keep food on the table.

Lara is convinced that if her mom were alive, everything would be perfect again. She saves her money and makes an appointment with Rewind to go back in time to see her mom.

The Rules: Observe only, in 15-minute increments.

What happens when someone breaks the rules?

The Main Character

Lara is such a fun character. She’s relatable, because don’t we all have people we wish were still with us? I know I do. My friend David, who I had known since I was 13, died a few years ago, and I still wish I had him around. So I could totally relate to wanting to fix history in order to fix the present. Lara also fits the “Chosen One” trope, because while most people don’t have the ability to alter the past, Lara is special. I like that about her. The Chosen One trope is a difficult one to get right, in my opinion, but Jill does a good job.

I absolutely loved Jill Cooper’s writing style. She didn’t go into so much detail that it felt like an info dump, but she mentioned varying timelines enough that I knew what was going on.

I absolutely need the rest of the books in the series.

Since I’ve been working on The Picky Bookworm Book Awards, I’ve noticed certain things about books that I hadn’t much thought of before. For example, I rarely mention when I love a book cover. I know, feel free to @ me all you want. I will do better, I promise.

Time Trap Cover

With that said, I am a sucker for a beautiful cover, and Time Trap doesn’t disappoint. It is varying shades of blue, and while it looks a little busy, it gives the impression of actually traveling through time. I have to admit, I judge books by their covers. I don’t spend my time bashing books that have covers I don’t like, but I’m more likely to read a book if I love the cover. 

This is something Indie/self-pub authors do VERY WELL. I think indie authors have figured out that people buy books for pretty covers, and this is a marketing technique that y’all have conquered. You get it, and I love that about you!

I adored the love interest characters, both original and alternate timelines. Going through it all, and seeing everything through Lara’s eyes was enjoyable, but heartbreaking at times, as well. After Lara went back in time, she had memories from her original storyline as well, and the explanation of these events are what helped keep me from getting a migraine from the time travel.

I definitely recommend Time Trap. Personally, I will be getting all the books in the series, and bingeing them all at some point. Each Kindle book isn’t very expensive, so most budgets can afford them. If you prefer paperback, those are available too. 

Time Travel stories are sometimes hard for me to read. Luckily, I felt like Jill Cooper wrote her book, Time Trap, with people like me in mind. Time Travel gives me a migraine, because trying to keep track of the various timelines can get really confusing. Jill was able to work through that, and adjust the story as it continued, so that the feeling of confusion was kept to a minimum. I loved that about this book, and will be reading the full series at some point soon.

Have you read Time Trap by Jill Cooper? Let me know in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you! If you liked this review, I’d love for you to subscribe! The Picky Bookworm is a community for indie and self-published authors to feel supported and encouraged. Check out my discussion forum for some book club type questions, and let’s get this conversation going!

The Picky Bookworm Podcast also has some excellent guests coming up soon, so go check it out and catch up on my older episodes! Leave a comment with your favorite guest so far. I’d love to hear from you!

Until Next Time, Friends!

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